Raamah’s Entries (part 1+2) hero concept stories

I will be honest,
I made a few months ago two short stories for a Hero Concept I’m trying to create (since the start of the game p: .)
and… I don’t really have any “artistic” (I tried for two years now),
maybe by sharing those stories with you maybe you could help me bring Raamah to life, and get the attention of the dev team,
so now that there is Story discussion form, I would like to re-post those stories and give it another try.
maybe you guys could help him, (by sharing & liking the post and etc)
and with your help, maybe it will give Raamah a chance to prove himself as a hero after all that he has done, and join the remaining agents of Overwatch (the Dev of Overwatch).
have fun reading!

Raamah’s Entries (part 1)
Raamah’s Entries (part 2)
also, thank you for reading,
And please leave any comment on the post, it will keep the post on the top of the Story discussion, and it could bring more people to see it,
it really does mean the world to me if you like the story and the character I’m trying to bring to life and to the game.
if you any any suggstions, artwork and etc that could help bring him to life, please tweet me here

btw sorry for the bad grammar…


Hey I like this. You’re entries are a lot better than what I’m writing for one of my concepts. Can’t wait to see the actual concept.

liked ur post!the hero look very cool,would be very nice if the devs add the hero at least to the lore,that hero would be very nice and refreshing addition to the game.keep up the good stuff.huzzah!

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Locking this down.