Quickplay took my MMR down 100 points

Can someone explain Quick Play to me. So last night I just wanted to relax and try some new heros without worrying about MMR, so i played like 6 games, about 50% win lose, and as I’m exiting the game I notice my ranking is down by 50 points.

Obviously, I thought that Quickplay is just for fun, maybe it affects some internal algorithms but its not going to affect my actual ranking??? I noticed that quickplay sometimes puts you into the competitive games as Backfill, but shouldn’t that still count as Quickplay because that’s what I clicked to play in the first place?

So now it’s like how can I just play Overwatch to practice new heros, chill, have fun when no matter what I’m worrying about my MMR?

Quick has no affect on Competitive Skill Rating whatsoever. It uses its own hidden MMR rating. Did you play Competitive at the time of your post? There was network or server issues which has since been resolved, but may still have resulted in a penalty if you were disconnected.

I didn’t have any connection issues, I wasn’t kicked out of any games. I’m 100% sure that I was in Quick Play mode, a few times it was loading me into competitive games as backfill, like I would pop into the end of a competitive game for like 15 secs and then the game would end in defeat, so I wonder if that’s what did it?

Spent most of today getting my rating back up :sweat: