The problems with cp maps is, and specially the last months,
people just camp somewhere and wait the whole game,
this is the reason i skip all those maps.
While the teammate that is really trying to the get the OBJECTIVE,
dies over and over because there is no follow up.
This is a very good reason for such a player to become dedicated toxic.
Queue till you can play Kings Row, this it isn’t that hard.
I will test it once, to be sure how long it can take
Time - Map
( would skip the crossed-out names if I started playing a game )
17.28 - Hollywood (attack)
17.28 - Paris (attack)
17.29 - Junkentown (attack)
17.30 - Dorado (attack)
17.31 - Lijang Tower
17.31 - Numbani (defense)
17.31 - Nepal (attack)
17.32 - Oasis
17.32 - Blizzard World (Attack)
17.33 - Dorado (Attack)
17.34 - Paris (attack)
17.35 - Volskaya Industires (Defense)
17.35 - Hollywood (attack)
17.36 - Numbani (defense)
17.37 - Horizon (Attack)
17.38 - Dorado (Defense)
17.38 - Junkentown (attack)
17.39 - Temple of Anubis (Attack)
17.39 - Watchpoint Gibraltar (Defense)
17.40 - Eichenwalde (Defense)
17.41 - Temple of Anubis (Attack)
17.41 - Volskaya Industires (Attack)
17.42 - Hollywood (attack)
17.43 - Hanamura (Defense)
17.43 - Ilios
17.43 - Rialto (Defense)
17.43 - Havana (Defense)
17.44 - Hanamura (Defense)
17.45 - Volskaya Industires (Defense)
17.47 - Route 66 (attack)
17.48 - Ilios
17.48 - Hanamura (Defense)
20 minutes of queue, I give up for now
The account I used had:
at start -17x -75% XP penalty
at end -15x -75% XP penalty
This keeps your account young,
always a good thing on a alternate account.