Quickplay - Let people queue for what maps they want

The problems with cp maps is, and specially the last months,
people just camp somewhere and wait the whole game,
this is the reason i skip all those maps.

While the teammate that is really trying to the get the OBJECTIVE,
dies over and over because there is no follow up.

This is a very good reason for such a player to become dedicated toxic.

Queue till you can play Kings Row, this it isn’t that hard.

I will test it once, to be sure how long it can take :stuck_out_tongue:

Time - Map
( would skip the crossed-out names if I started playing a game )
17.28 - Hollywood (attack)
17.28 - Paris (attack)
17.29 - Junkentown (attack)
17.30 - Dorado (attack)
17.31 - Lijang Tower
17.31 - Numbani (defense)
17.31 - Nepal (attack)
17.32 - Oasis
17.32 - Blizzard World (Attack)
17.33 - Dorado (Attack)
17.34 - Paris (attack)
17.35 - Volskaya Industires (Defense)
17.35 - Hollywood (attack)
17.36 - Numbani (defense)
17.37 - Horizon (Attack)
17.38 - Dorado (Defense)
17.38 - Junkentown (attack)
17.39 - Temple of Anubis (Attack)
17.39 - Watchpoint Gibraltar (Defense)
17.40 - Eichenwalde (Defense)
17.41 - Temple of Anubis (Attack)
17.41 - Volskaya Industires (Attack)
17.42 - Hollywood (attack)
17.43 - Hanamura (Defense)
17.43 - Ilios
17.43 - Rialto (Defense)
17.43 - Havana (Defense)
17.44 - Hanamura (Defense)
17.45 - Volskaya Industires (Defense)
17.47 - Route 66 (attack)
17.48 - Ilios
17.48 - Hanamura (Defense)

20 minutes of queue, I give up for now :smile:

The account I used had:
at start -17x -75% XP penalty
at end -15x -75% XP penalty

This keeps your account young,
always a good thing on a alternate account. :clown_face: