Quick play classic needs to be deleted

Were you raised to be a little brat?

You are not entitled to the change you want.

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Qpc needs to be THE qp as it used to be…the current qp was what LFG was for…

Forcing role queue on the entire community should’ve never happened…

Deleting it and keeping role queue would be an even bigger disaster when you consider who’s playing where (the general consensus at least)


Lots of toxic people in here saying thank god those heathens have a place to play apart from me. Thank goodness I have a place to play apart from YOU. Lol

QPC is a great place for playing a chill game of overwatch. Play who you want, don’t sweat queues, flex if you want, if you don’t no one is going to tell you you’re wrong.

I get 2-3 support/tank nearly every match. I enjoy playing support every couple of games myself for a chill group of dps, and when I do I feel way more impactful than in normal QP.

You play the mode that is fun for you, let everyone else do the same. Why advocate for less options?


I am normally against splitting the playerbase. But with the abhorrent queue times, I actually see what they were going for.


Naturally, QPC should stay, and out of any rotations, it should be available any time as one of the main game modes.

Even though quite often it may be one of the most infuriating and chaotic modes, it is still more fun than competitive (too many players who take it too serious, as if their future and lives depend on the match outcome, unpleasantly toxic at all levels, overly tense and is more of a second job than fun time) and QPRQ (believe it or not, that one is very different from QPC).

And by the average time I have to wait for QPC (about 30-40s), and the fact that I do not see the same nicknames that often, there are plenty of players who choose QPC, whether be it for a warmup or as the main mode over the rest.

QPC is for those who think ‘games are for fun’, who want to relax and pick what they want, when they want, and play it how they see fit.



Put QPC under the quick play menu as a second option. It should’ve never been in arcade. If they can split arcade into so many gamemodes i don’t see why they can’t do the same with quick play.


that’s what happens when you force everyone into a single team composition and give them an arcade mode to make up for it.

You all advocated for 222, now you have to deal with it.

so funny ive seen you use the argument “you don’t have to play 222 you have qp classic” and are now advocating to remove it

“im not trying to force anyone to play a certain way”

sure you aren’t.


Now you know why they introduced role queue into QP too

  1. There is a significant difference because, surprise, some people actually work together in a team in QP Classic. No Limits is where you go with your friends for wacky comps and no one cares about winning specifically.
  2. I wasn’t been when No Limits was a thing so I didn’t take away anything from anyone by complaining about little things.

Those are some terribly broad generalisations. Whacky comps exist in both modes as they aren’t what would be considered normal in comparison to OW proper. And there’s no evidence to your claim on players behaviour.

Regardless of who it was directed to, the argument I made is hardly invalid. There are a significant amount of people who felt that hero-limits made the game less enjoyable for them, yet they barely get the chance to play the REAL QPC experience. Why are your wishes more valid than theirs?


LOL no, some of us want to play games without waiting for queue. RQ was a dumb idea and those of us who knew this from the beginning shouldn’t be punished for the stupidity of others.


to OP: qp classic is my favorite game mode at the moment by far, and has been since the introduction of 222

I would not want to see it removed


why though?

quickplay classic isn’t the place for practice imo

So stop playing it, it’s occasionally actually fun since it’s an escape from double shield


I’d like to see a role-less comp option added on that same menu as well, side by side equals with the 222 options


List time i played it, other team had sombra + dva ult combo ever time, and sombra was ulting always one moment before dva ult blowing up… is thats not coordination, i dont know what is

Also plaing there i saw tanks and supports… what is wrong with that mode?


Oh I’m sorry do I have to list every single combination of multiple hero compositions to have a legit argument? Give me a break. You know what I meant with what I said, there is no need to climb up on a high horse.
I have enough evidence for myself ( and others do as well mind you ) which would be the games that I have played in normal QP and Comp before RQ was implemented and now in QPC. I had more than enough players that were willing to work together but you lot don’t want to believe it.

Whatever happens in this game, there’s always going to be one side that has support and one that doesn’t. Usually - and unfortunately - t’s the loudest and most emotional one that gets their way, which in this case was the crowd that wanted to overhaul the game instead of using a more than valid option to prevent their horrible games of getting five DPS mains.
Why were the wishes of the people for role queue more valid than ours? They actually had the means to not face those problems but didn’t take them.
I can play the same game. Just that we won’t ever come to a conclusion.

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Doesn’t have to be deleted, it’s a good mode to just faff around in, and when the fun is done you can just leave, no penalty or anything.

After rereading the OP, I get the feeling it was post designed to poke fun at the typical Delete Role Queue posts we see here daily. Not sure they were being serious.

No limits is more abnormal than QPC, both are more abnormal than QP. Discrediting one’s abnormalness because the other is more different is doing all three of these modes a disservice.

I never said that at all. My gripe was with how you insisted that no-limit players were just a bunch of memers unwilling to work together.

The devs made the decision due to balance, it really had little to do with the playerbase. LFG not having a huge impact had little to do with 222 being implemented.