Queue times for Damage role are unacceptable

I mean… it is?

I’ve played too much support lately and it’s honestly draining. It is unacceptable that I have to wait 20+ mins for one match.


Is playing DPS worth queuing that amount of time?
If it is, then there’s no reason to complain.
If it isn’t, then there’s no reason to play.
We could make tanks/healers fun to play… but no, that would be too much, wouldn’t it Jaeger/DanGotHeals?


Alt-tabbed to prove a point.
The game is broken because of bad hiring practices.

I mean, there is because it’s quite bad… i miss 'em 10 sec queues.

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Any dps not happy with Q times can go qp classic => reason to complain is irrelevant


While you wait doesn’t fix the fact that it takes forever to rank up as DPS.

OP’s pic is the competitive queue


dps don’t want a decent team comp? => qp classic


Complaining about it doesnt fix the fact to make the time go faster mate.

Just like I said earlier, queue times aint & cant be end of the world specially if you or I choose to play the role yourself which devs clearly said ages ago that there WILL BE consiquenses on queue times.

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And you have that, have you SEEN the queue times for dps on most MMOs?

Does everyone remember the term “fun is subjective?”.
How subjective does the lack of fun in tanks / supports feel now?


That makes no sense at all

Which is ridiculous since Role Queue was put upon us because they can’t balance their game.

“Hello can I play the game more than once an hour on heroes that I like?”


People here just hate dps players, and it shows.


dps players don’t want to have long queue, so they must advocate for no 2-2-2 and the return to 5 dps 1 flex heal/tank. Having a decent comp is required through 2 2 2, anyone not happy with this can go qp classic


But no. It aint ridiculous.

This along the lot of other threads just shows how ignorant & spoiled the community is.


It’s a 16 minute queue time in Plat, one of the most populated ranks.

Queue times used to be 2 minutes at most in plat.

That’s an 8x increase. How is it spoiled to want a fix?

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dafran’s literally queueing on two different regions at once right now to try and cut down on the waiting :laughing:

Funny, that’s the exact thing you DPS instalockers told everyone else when they said they didn’t want to fill for you.

You know, pre-2-2-2.

  • My favorite is to ditch role queue as a whole, and leave it only for OWL and Contenders. But I recognize that is a wild dream.
  • Implementation of flex queue, 111-3x Flex. You have restrictions to queue as flex, and if there isn’t enough flex players around, the matchmaking start filling the gaps until it forms a 222.
  • Move some heroes from DPS to other roles, reworking them as needed. My suggestion is moving Sombra and Symmetra into support, and moving Mei and Doomfist into tank.
  • Remove role based top 500, only rewarding the flex top 500. Top tier players who want shiny recognition would spread around their queues, instead of hogging the DPS queues.
    • Ditto for CP reward at end of season. If you only play one role, you get considerably less CP.
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1 tank, 1 DPS, 1 healer, 3 from the DPS overflow queue.

Also, much harder to balance because 1 tank needs to not melt to 4 DPS while almost-GOATS with Mei needs to be beatable.

This would be great.

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You can play the game more than once an hour on heroes that you like.

Why do people act like comp is the only game mode available.

I mean if your top ranked, I get it, you want to play with people your skill level.

But aside from that, there isn’t really any difference between regular modes and diamond and under comp games.

Heck you might even find them more enjoyable with the absence of healers and tanks.

Wait close to 20min for a match
Game finally begins
Someone leaves
Go back to waiting close to 20min for a match
Welcome to Overwatch 2020!!!

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