Queue time per role

I understand that, and I agree. It’s better to wait a bit longer for a game, then to have a completely useless team composition. I have won some games with 6 dps, but it’s like 1 in a 1000 games.

But I hope Blizzard will look into the role queue problem and try to provide a solution. The solution imo is to make support and especially tank heroes more engaging and fun to play, so that more people pick them.

Fortunately, they seem to be heading this way with the next patch that is planned to go live on Tuesday.
The changes to tank heroes definitely seem to be headed in the direction of “more action, less sitting passively behind a barrier”.
We’ll see how it goes.

I’m pretty sure that if the amount of players drops too much, then Blizzard will adjust it accordingly.

Well, you already evaluate it from extremes to extremes. I’d rathere loose 6 dps game, and just go next (w/o any q) and here I will be more lucky to make an agreement with my team how to win the game. I bet 6dps games happened like less than 5% of all games, 4 dps was pretty common thing, and I can’t see any issues to have 4dps games every time, but it was still like 30% of the games aswell not even more. At least that happened when you climb and not stagnate in bronze or other metals, when ppl has real mental issues obsessed with sr and not improoving themselves.

People are always going to have mental health issues when they lose. Personally, if I had to choose between this and classic. I choose this.

I don’t mind, I respect it.

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Adjust what? I don’t think Blizzard has a magic button they can push which gives everyone 1 minute queue time no matter what role they pick.

I mean, there is a “magic button”, and it’s to make more tank and support heroes, and make them more fun and engaging to play.

People play the heroes that are fun to play, it’s not the player’s fault that dps is most fun to play.
It’s the game developer’s job to make the game fun for their playerbase.

I’m talking about removing role queue if the player population decreases.

Ah, well I personally don’t think they will (or should) do that.
Role queue is a good thing, and it should stay. They just need to fix the other stuff I mentioned, and it will be great.

I main support on this account and have a 2900 SR dps account ( accounts older then role Q). I stopped to play on the dps account due to Q times and on this due to the Q doggers. I often am the only support as the second support often starts to play full dps and zero heal. Or we have 2 offtanks wanting to dps.

At least back before RoleQ people might have needed to fill but they did play their role as intended there. Now you can not be sure it is a Q dogger. No fun playing 2-2-2 when your second support goes dps. At least in 1-4-1 matches i knew that people picked what they truly did try to play in the way intended


I have the same feeling.
If there was a way for dps players to play a competitive mode outside of role queue, we might get less Q dogger and more quality games.

I mean, they can always make the 8 player ffa a permanent competitive mode, instead of it being a “once a year” thing.
But they’re not going to do that.

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As an EU player, this is false.
Tank queue - 2 mins
Support 2 mins
Dps - 6 mins (And when I duo dps with a mate it’s 8 mins tops)

High plat-low diamond

I don’t think I even have to go into how all this anecdotal at best ““evidence”” that you’ve provided means absolutely nothing at all… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

A lot of ‘evidence’ can be inferred from queue times.
Think harder before shooting someone down. Thanks.

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I honestly wish this was true

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Queue times taken from one specific rank, during one specific day, during one specific time of the day?

Yeah… They really mean absolutely nothing if you ask me and are anecdotal at best, unless OP has taken samples for at the very least each day of a week.

Because really, I could just log into Competitive on Tuesday 11AM, when the queues are absurdly high and start selling this supposed ““death”” of this game and ““failure”” of role - lock…

Or, I could just log into on 6PM on a Sunday, when the queues are absolutely tiny for the grand majority of the game’s player base, and start selling another lie, such as that the game is in an absolutely excellent state and is growing.

Do you see the problem here?

Ahhh, the irony

Learn to play tank and support - stop playing dps. You are getting punished for refusing to learn the other roles and be a team player. Live with it or leave - I bet queue times would get better if more DPS did that.

No. Think harder. Inferred from queue times means doable under right conditions including enough observations.


Ehh you just repeated exactly what I said in my previous post and a procedure that I’m 1000% the OP did not follow.

Judging by your last reply, I don’t think so…