Question to devs about Competitive play

In every game on this planet that has competitive play, when someone leaving mid game, the team of the leaver loses half or none of their SR, why only in OW, when you have a leaver in your team, you devs decided that it is fair to fine the rest of team with -30 SR?

it feels to me and a lot of players that you just want to bottle neck the players at gold and plat for eternity, I was 7 seasons in row in plat, now at season 20 because of leavers I got dropped to mid gold (and probably gonna hit bottom gold with the leavers every 3rd game).

please, I know Blizzard did it in SC2 ranked play, don’t hit us with -30 sr when we are down lying on the ground because of a leaver.

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They changed how SR was awarded and deducted for games with leavers for season 18. Currently if your team has one or more leavers and you lose your SR will reduce less than if it was a normal 6 v 6. The same is true if the enemy team has one or more leavers - you win less SR.

Link to thread:

See the section titled ‘Leaver Penalty’.

until there is an official saying from blizzard, I do not believe this, I know leaver penalty, but this is not the same, I had enough leavers in season 19 and 20, got from mid plat to low gold and had tons of leavers (root cause to my drop so far down), that is why I’m asking an official representative of blizzard to say something regarding this issue.

You don’t need an official statement to confirm this (though it would be nice). Just write down your SR changes each game and who left and when.

You’ll be waiting a long time. Time better spent confirming the information in the posted thread for yourself (and it’s all confirmable)