[QUESTION PTR Workshop] Bot AI playing the objective

Hello !

I would like to create a mode just like custom games with AI on both team but using all the heros as possible bot. My problem is that I’m not able to make the bots playing the objective like the AI on simple custom games.

I tried to make them walk to objective but they just try to get it straight un the walls. I tried some stuff with raycast it doesn’t work. I don’t want them to follow me.

I hope some of you know something to help me!

add me on battle.net
i work on a big coop vs ai preoject. Atm my bot can play on illios, like the blizz bots. They navigate to objective, and support every hero. I update it daily so enjoy.


Its just an idea. I have not used dummy bots yet.

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dummy bots make dummy game mods…
I would not get into it so deep until they keep it on ptr.
Just think they do a real big change that can ruin all your logic.
It it nice to know that they are developing this thing but I am not going to do something serious yet.

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