Question for tank players

So I’m really curious, and I feel like these are the games I sit there and scratch my head hoping there would be a solution that pops into my head so I can lead my team to victory.

And I’ve been in the tanks perspective, and the dps perspective, even the healer.

What can you possibly do, (especially when a tank), when you are forced to go down a choke however, you die so quickly that there’s not even a hope to get past it.

SO for example, Volskayia 2nd point. As a rein and seeing another rein, I just see their shields just get absolutely murdered and die so fast the healers statistically speaking can not save him.

Even a Zarya bubble instantly pops and one tiny peek nearly gets her killed.

I’ve always thought dive but last game they had a Sym and Mei and even a Bastion in the back and I thought in my head there was no way I was going to output enough damage to actually confirm any kills.

And it’s just frustrating because you die so quickly there is little time for you to even make a decision. And when I talk about going through chokes I don’t mean a Rein that is scared to move foward, I’m straight up saying Rein’s shield gets melted so fast he has no hope of getting anywhere even if his W key gets stuck.

Teams with this much focus power seem almost impossible to get to the point without dying the moment you touch it.


you can go right side. shorter los before the point. you can ask for a sym to teleport team to better location. just standing in a long open los spot with the shield up is def not gonnna help you or the team. you can go dive tanks to if thats the case


you cant do anything , best option was to switch dps and try to clutch but when now it’s forbidden all you can do is just wait for next. It’s that balanced :slight_smile:


well now this wont be an issue

either dive and focus whoever is the biggest issue, sigma rein/orisa, or hog and spam dps to try and break their shields too


I don’t or can’t really expect my dps to do their job if I’m failing at mine.

Tanks create space for the dps to get kills. If my team can’t get to the point I am the one to blame for that.

Thund3rfury, yeah, next time I’ll try to continuously switch up my routes to the point so I can get a feel which ones my team feel more comfortable in and which ones I find help me with my sustainability. And especially the Sym Tele.


I was thinking of dive but my issue there was not being able to get any kills. For example Mei vs Winston. I’m not saying it’s impossible to kill her but it does take time due to her abilities.

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Don’t focus on her, go after Supports. Then help your DPS kill her.

yes more dps is always solution. hahaha that post i REFUSE to belive you ment seriosly. i actualy made some solutions if you look. your solution is why rq was needed


No best option was always take over the job of the worst player and clutch, thereby preventing that player from falling to the correct rank.

In the new system people will have to alternate win losses for a long time while people move several hundred points

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So if switching routes doesn’t work, go dive and dive supports? That sounds like it could work!


That’s the thing, I couldn’t escort the team to the point. That was my fault as a tank. And instead of trying to carry someone who seems to find themselves weighing down the team with their own mistakes. Maybe be a team player and help them out.

Your healers could constantly die to a Tracer in the back meanwhile you’re handling the point just fine. And you lose the fight for the same reason as before, the supports are dead. Maybe it was their fault but being a team player will get you so much farther than trying to carry everyone on your back.

There are other things you can try, too.

For example try D.Va. Matrix lasts two seconds and absorbs infinite damage. Two seconds is plenty of time to get your team through the front choke and go left. From there you have four ways you can attack point: through mega health pack room, up stairs toward the back left corner of the point, high ground above the mega health pack room, and high ground at the rear of the point. All of those have shortish sight lines to minimise damage taken on approach. Then it’s a matter of diving a target.

Alternatively, maybe the best thing you could do to help your team is not escort them as a big group which makes it easy for the enemy to spam them down. Go a chaotic sort of dive comp. Winston, D.Va and Hammond can all get beyond the choke. If your DPS and supports go mobile heroes who don’t need escorting, the first step (getting through the choke) is no longer even a step. Just ignore the choke.

Unfortunately most solutions rely on communication, coordination, and teamwork. Without good teamwork you’re boned in that situation. And rightly so. The enemy was at least coordinated enough to focus your team down. You need at least as good coordination to beat them.

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If your shield is getting shredded and you’re dying quickly then you are simply engaging them too slowly and you should look for ways to speed that up.

Easy to say, harder to do. Different pathing with more cover, Lucio speed to get you onto the target. Mei wall, sym tp, sig shield ect…

Play for the ults it takes to beat them, emp, blizzard, tire, doom, sym wall save the ults and don’t waste them, make a plan to use. Dry push hard to draw their ults out ect…

Sometimes your team just wants to trickle and feed, you can ask them to stop but if they don’t just gg go next.

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shields are much wider than lines of sight are, so there’s literally always a place you can shield break from under hard cover where you will not be hit (except maybe aoe splash, or if someone actively dives you - but then they’re not behind the shield anymore)

Lucio speed boost, sym teleport, mei wall, as tank try to keep shorter sightlines to the enemies. On Volskayia you can go to the right or push through choke and immediately hug the left. If your getting burst down really fast in choke it’s probably to dodgeable spam that you can strafe like junkrat spam or pharah rocket.

Use cover. Ask for Lucio speed boost. Maps like Eichenwalde and Volskaya include natural cover at the chokes. Enough so that a speed boost is enough to get to past a Bastion bunker.

If that doesn’t work, then ask for a Symmetra to create a teleporter to skip the death zone. Tanks will have to work with her so that she doesn’t die while setting up shield.

My games tonight.

  1. Orisa just stands behind point two on Numbani as enemy team just rounding first bend. We’re shouting at her to move, but isn’t on Comms. Enemy get point two for free.

Attack is the usual crap show as everybody feeds all round. I thought 222 was supposed to magically create teamwork where none existed before?

  1. Oasis. We have a crap dps only get one kill in 2 rounds and that’s when our Ana nanoed him.

But, as the Ana player said, at least he tried, bless his little cotton socks.

  1. Havana attack. Another trash dps. Played Genji, got a couple of kills, but otherwise just feeding. Swapped to Doomfist and apparently got no kills. Another 5v6 game.

Game felt more even as the other dps awesome and getting tons of kills. Maybe MMR matchmaker put them together to make it “fair”.

I’m partly to blame. In old system I’d swap between the roles. If dps were trash I’d swap to Junkrat or Torb. Sometimes it worked.

If my 4 dps couldn’t kill 1 Pharah, I’d swap to DVA from support and do their job for them.

But my only real carry heroes are in dps. My tank depth is insufficient as I don’t play Zarya, Hog or Hammond.

At gold PS4, you don’t even need barrier tanks. Your dps just wander past and get picked anyway.

Enemy tank was Hog and getting ult every minute or so as my team fed. Then he was storming in as Hammond and causing chaos. Other tank was Orisa, but swapped to DVA as likely her team was feeding as well.

I need to learn more tanks that can carry. I can’t rely on a swap to dps anymore.

you thought wrong, and probably shouldn’t expect crappy players to just disappear just because compositions were made to be better.

Do you see Janus swapping off tank to go dps? What about JJonak switching off support? We all saw how jehong subbing in for tank worked out.

You can split the team up on the sides there and let them come to point then smash them. They will crumble when they have to deal with attackers on both flanks.

  1. What rank are you? Not gonna insult or anything, just curious because stuff works differently in different places
  2. Pharah, Mercy, If they have a bastion, these 3 will help. Pharmercy can avoid bastion, symm, and mei. Sombra also works if anyone on the team can play her effectively.
  3. The job of the tank is to make as much space as possible. Between the two tanks, they need to find a way to make that happen so the team can do it’s job. If that means rein pushes in and when his shield breaks uses DM, fine. If that means running dive and just pouncing on point, also fine. Either way, you need to switch stuff up and find a way to make space. As a tank, if you’re not making space, you’re the reason the team isn’t doing as well as it could be.

They play in teams Vs other teams.

Comp is currently not like that. The amount of feeding in gold has shot up in Beta. It’s as bad as when I was in bronze.

Dps are the least team dependent class.

If I’m Junkrat I can spam damage, get ult, press triangle and maybe get a quad kill to win the fight in the 3v6 my team’s constant feeding leaves us in.

If team is constantly feeding, dps are the best suited to make a big play to turn things around.

Sure, you can get a sextuple kill DVA bomb, but that’s easier to avoid.
The tank ults in general are area denial or set up ults. They’re less useful if you’re 3v6.

The support ults are great. But, again, support “teams”. Not randoms running around playing death match and feeding all game.