Question for 6v6 enjoyers

I haven’t had a problem with 20-30min que times. It was a good time to multitask, eat, play custom games with friends, etc.

I remember the consistent 20+ minute queues in ranked support/dps. I wont miss them.

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Imagine the level of copium that it takes where you are trying to justify waiting to play the game longer than an actual match is, lol. Wow bro, just, wow.

Im saying this genuinely. The game was never good in a long dose. Not even in its prime time. Waiting for 15 mins while you are eating, doing something else in a browser or playing a chill fun made up workshop mode with your friends to get in the mood for the next match was always a good thing.

And i say this as someone who exclusively played DPS only in the last year of OW1.

I actually miss having 10+ min queue times.

Super weird my man. What I did when queue times were that long was, play a different game. So I didn’t have to “eat or do something else” while I was using my free time to play video games.

There is exactly one way to balance queue times – if we don’t count “just make tanks fun!” – and that’s heavy incentivization of the All Roles queue.

6v6 was neglected for OW 2 and the double shield meta could of been fixed.

The queue times are back with 20 to 30 minutes queues for Top 500. Its terrible. Even wide queues can be upwards to 30 minutes or more.

Wait until mid season patch where tanks will be even harder to kill. I have a feeling a lot of people are not going to enjoy it. Hopefully Im wrong and the masses have a blast.

5v5 is not the way. However, with that said I highly doubt this Dev team will revert back to a 6v6. Its a shame.


Queue times in OW1 dropped because of bad balancing and the game being abandoned for 2.5 years. If OW2 didn’t exist, literally half the problem is solved. If Blizzard wasn’t utterly incompetent, the other half of the problem gets solved.
Queue times in OW2 however have dropped because Counterwatch is something that you literally cannot fix. Every single season of OW2 has had multiple dumpster-tier tanks and will never stop having multiple dumpster-tier tanks. Ana, Zen and the DPS passive bottleneck the balancing of tanks and only a few of them will consistently be viable.


I was still playing DPS with 10 min queue (which was only really ever in off hours, usually it was more like 3-5 min) way after Blizzard threw OW into life support mode while they went and didn’t make PvE :man_shrugging:t2: would not bother me to do that again. I’d rather wait longer for something I enjoy than wait shorter periods for something I don’t enjoy

Also I’d actually be willing to queue for Tank in 6v6

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You must inhale deeper. You can go so much higher. :crazy_face:

On your bit about playing Open Queue: If you play Open Queue and can play more than one tank on it, why do you want 6v6 back? Unless you don’t, but then why defend the 6v6 crowd?

Which is great for them but I play overwatch to play overwatch. If I wanted to do something else I’d do something else

I keep hearing this but I don’t understand how this is true. Tanks will be harder to kill… By specific heroes that do too much damage to tanks. Most heroes in the game will do more damage to armor including most tanks (rein is getting a 35% damage buff to armor lol). Some tanks will be a bit harder to kill because of the headshot change but they’re just as vulnerable as they always were in every other way they already are.

I’d take long queue times over a game that isn’t fun :person_shrugging:


Yeah, it was about 10-20min wait times for Damage. But the Tank role was always fast! Worth it to play alongside another Tank teammate! :mechanical_arm::1st_place_medal: :2nd_place_medal: :sunglasses:

DPS Qs were so long 6v6 because Bliz abandoned the game instead of balancing the roles. We see the same thing here, support sucks to play? Then we wait for support while other roles are lower. Q times are because roles aren’t enjoyable to play.


I want 6v6 back, but I simply know they messed up the engine to the point of being pretty much buggy to the point of several crashes occur and several performance issues emerge. Not to mention several mechanics that got broken by the engine change.

The engine wasn’t ready and still isn’t ready.

I defend because they could had kept the old one and would had more folks playing while they trial-error their current 5v5. Options are better than lack of it. Sadly they purposely sabotaged most modes by demoting to be played, like disabling auto-queue/re-queue on several modes.

The same RQ/Queue flaw that 5v5 has 6v6 had, the only justification to keep 5v5 is simply because their engine is a mess at this point. How you can have a more balanced player skill mmr on Open after more than half of the game’s life with RQ? The same flaw that folks complained on 6v6 persist on 5v5.

The queue times were caused by RQ, which didn’t solved with 5v5, forcing them to change how make matches to decrease the queue time by reducing the quality of the match and tanks going against what they conditioned folks on RQ to do (play 1-2 heroes). Making, as funny it sounds, Open queue balance better MMR between all folks in the match.

Pray for rain, deal with the mud. Plus, I prefer tank, and support. No skin off my back.

Back in the “maintenance mode” days of OW1, I spent most of my time queuing tank and support as those were my two favorite modes. Sometimes my queue times were longer when I was duo or trio queued with my DPS friends. We were cool with playing deathmatch and custom games using the “While you wait” feature.

These days? I hardly play because I can’t stand 5v5. My queue times are arguably much longer than 10 minutes, half an hour, or an hour when I’m simply not playing. And believe me: I’d rather sit in queue than have no queue at all, because at least there’s a game to play. (And no: 5v5 is not the game I enjoy or want to play.)

The solution is simple: bring back 6v6 and keep 5v5. Even if Blizzard only wants to minimally support 6v6. Let players decide what they want to play. Blizzard already only minimally supports the various other arcade modes, and that has never been a problem with the community before (e.g., No Limits, Mystery Heroes, Mayhem, playing against bots…).


Watch Apply’s current stream, its fun

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Weird #ad, but I’m bored, so thanks I guess :smile: