Question about comp suspension

So I was playing a few competitive matches. My internet started to get all wonky and I disconnected. I rejoined as quickly as possible, got back into the game no problem. Later on, it happened again… I got back on but this time a few of my team mates had left and we lost. I lost 50 SR which I’m okay with… but then I was suspended from comp for 5 mins? Is my account flagged now?! I don’t want to get banned! My anxiety is kicking in I just don’t want to get perma banned :frowning: I have no history of ever leaving a match. This was my first one…
I tried opening a ticket to try and talk to one of the reps but they completely ignored my question and just said it was an appropriate action. Please help!

its fine if its the first time, but after multiple you can be banned for the whole seasons

you’re not flagged tho

don’t worry

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thank you so much!!!

See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 12) → Leaver Penalty for the rules.