Question about Annihilation cap

I was just reading about the changes they gonna add to Rammatras Ultimate and there is something about it that I dont understand.

The quote I am referring to is “In Season 3, we’ll be changing the timer on Annihilation so that it will tick down slower if enemies are in it (previously paused the timer entirely) and adding a cap of 20 seconds”

Right now the ultimate will end after 3 seconds if enemies are outside of it, but the way I am interpreting the quote it will end only after 20 seconds, not earlier. That cant be correct, right? Cause otherwise the cap wouldnt be necessary if the timer runs down even with enemies inside the Ult, right? Am I missing something?

No, what they meant was that 20 seconds is the longest it can possibly go. I’m not sure whether it’s an explicit cap or just the amount of time it will take for it to run out while constantly hitting someone.

So the Ultimate will stretch the 3 seconds to 20 when enemies are in it? That seems still super long?

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Yeah, it doesn’t change typical usage. Mostly just the silliness of two tanks standing in an endless stalemate. Perhaps the “drains while active” change will result in a somewhat shorter duration overall.

ahhh great, thank you. For some kind of reason my brain couldnt understand that 3 seconds could as long as 20 and it confused me! But now I get it :heart:

Next longest ult is Mercy’s Valk at 15 sec.
Consistency in balance is non existent when they want to pressure everyone into buying the newest heros I guess.

The ult will probably change from “pauses while damaging enemies” to “countdown slows to 1/10th speed while damaging enemies, max 20 second duration”. Or something similar.

Basically it just means that if you manage to correctly keep at least one enemy in your AoE the max uptime it can have before it ends regardless of enemy presence will be 20 seconds. The base timer of 3 seconds of enemies not being in it will still remain.

So in theory the only way you will ever get 20 full seconds is if you pop the ultimate on top of an enemy and have an enemy in it for a long time. Popping it and then running in means you’ll never hit that 20 second ceiling.