Quality of Life Changes You’d Like To See

D.Va never rezzes into her mech tho

Also, I would love if I don’t get killed through my mech when I am getting into it from the other side of said mech


I could’ve sworn that there were times I was able to res a D.Va into mech, but I might just be misremembering. In any case then, ignore that part.

As Zarya:
Show numbers next to E that act as the corresponding hot-key to provide barriers for a specific team mate to. Sometimes in big team fights it feels like too much of a nuisance to get a barrier to someone when they’re behind another person, and wasn’t able to provide them one in time.

Especially the case with Ana for her Nana Boost. There could be debates on whether or not pressing Q at the right time should be a skill in and of itself but having a team mate accidentally step in the way is borderline tragic.

A solid quality of life change for me would be the removal of Genji and extension of avoid players from 2 to 10 and increase the time to 1 month.

It might be way too op, but I would love to have the team view in the top left like we had in Archives events.
I would only want this for supports, though.


I think that this feature would be awesome for the entire team, but not showing the enemy team’ team view.

Please let us see our teammates’ roles through walls. It’s ridiculous trying to find your healer when all you see is a chevron which means instead of going to a mercy, you may just being going towards a Tracer. Let me see what role my teammate is which would make it easier for dps and tanks to find their healers so they don’t start running in circles while the healer tries to chase after them. This one small change would be so useful.

Also let me disable seeing what hero died on my team at their corpse. It just gets in the way for snipers and hitscans.

You can’t res back Mech - because in order for that to happen baby D.Va would have to have never came out of mech. Since Baby D.Va comes out of mech when destroyed it makes the other quite impossible.

What you might have seen is
Baby D.Va having charge to summon mech right after she got rezzed.
This happens after Baby D.Va uses her ultimate but dies before getting new mech.

QoL changes I would like to see is being able to color “Special Aimers” Like DF Rocket fist aimer - which remains white even if you change the color of his primary aimer.

Rein: Bug fix charge and earthshatter

I believe this is being implemented, but D.Va seriously should have like 2 seconds of no damage taken when getting into her mech. She can be focused down and demeched in her mech regain animation

  • Make Doomfist’s shields from The Best Defense non decayable

*Allow Sombra to cancel her translocator

*If Ana lands a headshot the hp will increase by 100 not by 75.

Briggitte Removed

(just so i can play ana without being pummeled by another swede)

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have a friendly swede guard you

Weird idea, but I’d honestly like an option for Genji’s deflect to take you into third-person view, so I can see if there’s a teammate nearby I can block.

Enable “healer vision” for all characters. Don’t show exact health, But differently coloured teammate silhouettes would help.

Ana’s projectiles actually start in front of her so she no longer hits people frickin behind her when throwing a nade!!

Nano boost and projected barrier sensitivity are in the settings of those specific heroes, try them out.

I did, and whilst it helps to focus a bit better on who and what to target, the compromise is that every other time means easily missing who to provide barriers for. It also still doesn’t stop problems like a team mate accidentally running in front of them at a bad time.

Doomfist cancleable slam. Since sometimes it takes you off the map and you have to sit there and die and it sucks

For Mercy this, although I also have bug-fixes mentioned as well: