QP, what is it for?

Puting your brains off after comp? Is it meant to be practise range for comp? For having fun? For the casual players? Not taking everything so seriously or taking it seriously?

You see I was playing with my friend, let’s call this friend Cthulhu. We play in arcade or in QP, Cthulhu does not wanna go to comp. Feels like it is too toxic and too competitive.

So Cthulhu wanna play in QP, try to win of course. Takes usually healer or a tank, because those are usually missing. And hopes for comp 2-2-2. But this is QP. We all know what is it like. 2-2-2 feels like a miracle. But my friend wants to play it since it feels more secure way to win than 6 dps. People start to say don’t be so serious, it’s QP. One of our team mates does nothing, just rolls around, says he’s in QP so it is not serious. And my friend feels like people just come from comp to QP ruin games because they don’t wanna take it too seriously.

But is this ok? Is it right to ruin someone’s game by not playing well (aka doing nothing) because you just came from comp and are too tired to care and try?

There is people who wanna try as hard as in comp but for reasons don’t wanna go there. Is QP just trahsland and we would need another kind of mode between QP and comp?

I get the both sides. After comp I wanna just relax in QP and not be healer or a tank. And QP I can try different heroes. Couldn’t care to think what is the best way to win.

But when not in comp mood but wanna try harder I go to QP. And get the “Aarhhh, why can’t we ever have decent team comp!! And what about payload!!”

I have no idea what QP was before comp but I would like to have seen that day.

I feel like QP should be like “Mystery game”, you never know what kind of game you play.

If you ever made ir to this post end, thank you. Wanted to get these out of my heart.

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Ideally, quickplay would be what competitive is and competitive would be a more well… competitive game mode.

People treat quickplay like the arcade. Before comp nobody really had any idea what they were doing so everyone tried pretty hard but there was a lot of trickling, thinking that defense hero’s needed to be played on defense, etc.

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Quickplay is Overwatch’s casual mode. People play it to enjoy the game. If you want to take the game seriously and get good games, Competitive mode exists for that.


QP is just an fun game mode to me.


I konda wish QP would be like that and arcade modes would there to have more relaxed and brainless.

True that, but are arcade modes then just for loot boxes? Or just there :confused:

Fun and practice.

You can play competitively in it but don’t yell at other people for not picking optimal comps or doing a bad job.

If someone is specifically trying to throw a game or very obviously not trying, then that’s different.

Quickplay is the actual game though: 6v6 with normal rules for the game. Arcade is just a fun place for playing different game variants. They can both be casual modes.


For me, QP = Comp and Comp = QP, no difference at all, it is just a game anyway…

Players shouldn’t do it, even comp…

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I like to use QP when I’m warming up for comp mode. Mostly just for mechanics, because the coordination for higher level stuff will not be there.

That also may be why I never practice Genji/Hanzo. Seems like every QM has both of them insta-locked before I even load the screen XD

IMO, “What is Competitive supposed to be” is the better question. QP/Arcade are supposed to be for fun, or quick warm-up, or a game where you can quit without feeling too bad (new fathers for instance). Comp currently has to catch everyone else. So it’s not “competitive”, it’s more of “everyone who wants a decent game”.

I’m in the same boat as Cthulu, where I want a better game than QP, but don’t want to deal with Competitive.
I would love an intermediate mode, with unranked mirror matches. I feel that would be good for the semi-casuals that are currently stuck choosing between goof-offs or try-hards.

They should rename it to Fap mode

You know there’s the LFG feature that lets you form serious groups to play in QP right?

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In essence, quick play is just player generated randomness. Really, people behave more seriously in the arcade.

Yes, but what if I wanna hang with my friend who doesn’t wanna use the lgf (or I neither)? I guess we just have to accept what QP brings us.

Quick Play is an Arcade mode with no bonus boxes or abnormal rules.