Put Competitive Behind A Paywall

Make the Competitive section of Overwatch behind a paywall and free for original Overwatch players, to lessen the amount of smurfs, cheaters and a lot of alt accs.


They’d more realistically just have to make the entry to comp requirement be level 100 or 200. Smurfs aren’t wasting that much time just to dick on kids for ego or boost friends.

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Add that apart from the paywall, otherwise people have to play for wayy too long.

As well they should have to play a long time to enter the competitive scene. 25 levels isn’t nearly enough to learn how to play Overwatch enough to hop right into Comp.

Let me introduce you to a website named igvault. Level 300+ korean accounts for $10

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Those exist in every game. But account selling is explicitly against the rules and they have the means to track and ban them. Bought accounts regularly get banned in League of Legends.

Yeah they don’t get banned in overwatch. I don’t play league but I bet there are plenty of sellers who sell off accounts that do not get banned.

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Level 25 is fine, this is why we have different ranks.
They play too early, get into a lower rank.

Players aren’t going to spend 50 hours purely to get access to comp, that’s dumb.
Next to that, other games are fine without it, Overwatch isn’t unique enough to use that as an argument.

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Many other game has some limiting factor on when you can access ranked competitive queues though. Whether that’s a certain number of unlocked characters at a specific mastery level, a certain player level, or both. They all have ways to combat people making multiple fresh accounts just to stomp low level ranked.

You could make it so that free to play players can only access the flex role or the support queue and this would bring down Q times for everyone.

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Yes, and we currently have that too.

You’re saying to increase it, for what reason again?
If we’re locking it behind a paywall it wont matter.

Because the time required to level an Overwatch account to be competitive ready is significantly lower than other games with similar strategies. The idea is to make it less worth it for smurf/booster accounts while giving new players plenty of time to learn to play the game and learn what the heroes do.

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This and what GeneralDil are saying are really good ideas. I am currently level 736 and consistently, the games I’ve lost because of leavers or players who ruin the game for everyone else have 95% been from people that were under level 150. Blizzard needs to either add barriers to entry to competitive or better yet, find a way to filter out these idiots from queues of people who actually try.

Nothing makes me more frustrated than playing competitive and knowing you and your pals are doing great but that one idiot doesn’t stick with the team, plays all wrong and loses you the game. He might not be too popular around here but Dunkey said it best, Blizzard expects unimaginable teamwork from complete strangers on the internet, and a large chunk of the playerbase picks competitive but doesn’t give a damn about playing right.

I love this game and of course I will continue playing unfortunately for me, but this is why I love games like Street Fighter, if I lose I know its all on me and not because a teammate decided to not listen to the team.

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The time it takes to be able to play competitive is pretty much on par with other games.

I think a paywall is pretty much fine already, increasing the minimum level would technically result in botted lobbies for players to sell accounts.

I was literally about to say I can buy bronze and silver accounts all day long.

Changing the level requirement will only inflate the price like $5

So is insider trading

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Imagine how low quality this would make the matches.

Considering you already complain about the matchmaker… this is super rich coming from you.


It would be if they started in bronze. It’s beyond me why they place fresh accounts in the mid-ranks.

The only accounts that mostly climb from initial placements are the ones that place into plat or diamond. Therefore, they should simply dump all accounts that don’t meet the criteria for plat or higher into bronze. #cleanupgold #notinmyelo

(Either that or put them all into mid masters to throw abdullahs games)

But I am currently at 4300, I dont see many many masters in my games =]

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I’m sure you see your fair share of masters ranked tanks.