Pulse bomb nerf a mistake

Back when I played main tanks, 400 damage pulse bomb was my version of riptire. Not every ult should be powerful, I’m fine with what my Whole Hog does, you should appreciate pulse bomb more.


Except the value in pulse bomb was being able to secure a kill on anyone with it. Now it will just be ignored by the wall of health everyone has and meanwhile you take forever to build it because of the armor.

Tracer should not have been nerfed–I don’t even play her and I think this nerf is wrong.

But whole hog actually boops ppl all around, and still results in more kills per game on average. Tracer bomb did one thing, get kills. Now it doesnt often, and is one of if not the hardest ult to use.

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That has pretty much always been Blizzard’s take on healing. They design things so healing makes it very slow. It’s what killed pvp in WoW for me during burning crusade. That and flying mounts.

I’d prefer it personally if healing was more of a patch up ability rather than a method of propping someone up who is under fire. That’s the job of cover, not healing.

Yeah sure I’ll just shoot her and land a bomb easily, Tracer has nothing to worry about against Brigitte. Shield bash, whip shot and her primary do nothing to stop her.


It shouldnt though, her shield shouldnt prevent pulse bomb on the ground any more than it doesnt prevent splash damage from rockets that hit the ground or junkrat mines.

However, there is considerable risk for Tracer to land her pulse bomb, especially on melee characters designed to kill them, and the amount of damage it does is pathetic, but the worst part is the dropoff damage for surrounding people is ridiculous.

That’s a meta shift issue, there’s armor everywhere because of Brigitte, the Tracer counter. There won’t always be a Brigitte to armor teams.

Okay but thats still only one aspect of it. We don’t know what hero 28 is. They could be another support that does… oh I dunno, provides shields to people? Maybe its a tank that passively boosts peoples health with shields.

It could be anything that makes pulse bomb still useless. 300 damage or 305 for sticking is way too low. It’s bad design to take away value from an ability instead of taking away frequency, for something like pulse it could have done with a 20% increase in ult cost instead to make up for it actually being impactful.

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Brigittes shield will block grenades, rockets and mines too depending on where they hit. The hitbox is basically directly in front of her. If they explode to the side at all, that’s when they leak through, as will pulse bomb.

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I’m not saying the Whole Hog is worse (or better btw) than pulse bomb, just that it’s ok for ults to be weak. Pulse bomb being difficult to use doesn’t justify what it would do to anchor tanks, which weren’t even hard targets.

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People here dont even seem to be arguing that it should do tons of dmg to tanks, mainly upset that it doesnt even kill 200 or 250hp targets often anymore. And that the kill range in its blast radius shrunk too, which doesnt follow their reasoning of nerfing it so it doesnt kill tanks as easily.

Its a high skill low reward ult atm.

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Yep Junkrat would ask to see one of her bombs before a game, now he’d say I can just shoot a couple nades and it’s about the same.

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Or hero 28 could make Tracer more viable? The issue with removing frequency from pulse bomb is that it would still be a solid anti-tank option, and it would make pulse bomb worse against it’s usual targets by making it take longer to get. I think lowering the damage does a better job of keeping pulse bomb good against squishes while making tanks less vulnerable to it.

I am literally not sorry at all for Tracer’s nerf or current position in the game and would never favor her getting it reverted.

Like, really though.


Unfortunately, pulse bomb really is high risk, low reward. I’m saying it should always be that way though, because Tracer’s base kit is so strong. Before the nerf, playing Orisa against Tracer was high risk, low reward. And about the loss in reliability because of the weaker splash damage, Junkrat says hi. At least pulse bomb doesn’t sometimes go through targets.

It does sometimes go through targets, not often tho. Idk how you could want anything in the game to be high risk low reward tho.

You mean like a normal human player. Idk man…tough concept to grasp :joy:

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Why should a hero be balanced so a class can be "less vulnerable " to their ult. An ult should be rewarded with a chance to kill, deal damage etc. It wasn’t an ability that killed tanks on cooldown.

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I don’t like high risk low reward, but I’ll accept it if it’s a really good balance change for other heroes. I know I’m repeating myself but non-mobile tanks needed the pulse bomb nerf, avoiding that thing was a nightmare and I never felt at all equipped to deal with it.

I think that’s a big reason why I’m finding returning to tf2 due to the current meta so satisfying.

Being able to blast down people in two quick shots as the scout even when they’re being healed is sooooooooooo satisfying.

Almost forgot what it was like to have shotguns kill people in a first person shooter.