Public Apology: Role Queue has hurt this game

is also a viable pick, even more of a viable pick with

As hog dose not need as much healing as other tanks.

Na mate, tanking with a genji tracer against Cree and DF is also cancer.
And you can be the best tank, if your dds suck you wont get stuff done.

Na mate, only dds suffer, as they need to wait a few more minutes.
But thats on them.


The main difference is that before, those that play tank and healer actually did want to play healer, or were flex players that took one for the team.

Now you have a bunch of impatient DPS playing the other role as pure DPS. Just wait for the new patch to come out. It encourages the more aggressive playstyle for tank, which they will find more enjoyable. After that, the devs can look at healers and more dps while creating more heroes.

Most of all, give them more time to focus on OW2.


There are a lot of bad dps comps. Perhaps in the spawn they don’t look bad but when you have 2 flanker dps with the enemy having Brig/Moira (the anti-flanker supports) with a barrier and hefty dps like Doom and Reaper it becomes painfully obvious how bad those combos can be.

That being said there is a lot of comps that can be bad and having double OT is not as bad as OP is making it out to be.

It’s not great but it existed pre 2-2-2 or even better the Solo OT with 3+ dps.

Que times are only really bad for dps in higher elos. I don’t mind waiting to get a balanced group when I want to dps. It’s hella nice.


I can be mad with Free Pizza

even if it is topped with (canned) pineapple


Why is it always in these threads, the blue team is full of trolls who are bouncing off the walls but the red team is always a super organized well oiled machine? It really doesn’t make sense and over the course of time these things tend to even out. If people would stop giving up so easily you’d probably have a better experience.


Basically OP realized that:

  • Forced 222 fixes nothing
  • Player attitude was the problem and that didnt change
  • MMR works way worse since they increased the gap to start matches faster
  • This 3 separate SRs encourages throwers more than ever
  • Full nuts DPS Tanks/supports feeding are worse now than ever.

… hey but “At least we dont have 4-5 DPS” , right? Didnt happen that much in comp but apparently some people could not bear to use the LFG so here we are.


The red guys being the perfect team argument isn’t anything new. Heck it seemed like one of the main points used to argue for role queue.


Hey, man, you would not be the first. I can respect that you changed your mind when you saw how it played out.


Great, another overused pointless argument that leads nowhere.

Why bother playing 2 2 2 with LFG if you could get ROFL stomped by other teams what played a flexible meta like goats?
Not to mention how inconsistend LFG was and still is.

I have yet to see anything negative in my games that wasnt there before.
For the rest i am happery then ever to play tank or support. And i even got my dd into masters. Something i couldnt do beforehand.


I think you need to be able to adapt more to certain playstyles, sure some of those you listed are a bit goofy but unless youre GM they can work, just need to pull it off, which you apparently arent helping the team do. So either this, or youre a high masters, gm player?


I would go with the first.
Thats what most OPs are.
Players that demand that others folow thire calls while ignoring calls from others or who are just flat out refusing to play in a team and then wonder why they lost the 10th game in a row.

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I mean look maybe they really are a high level player and this is wrong. But i see so many plats and below writing posts like this, mad a players for playing their best hero vs some meta pick they have 10 mins on. what a joke.

Im plat i know this to be true from experience lol.


If you got triggered by that sentence it means i hit the nail in the head buddy. Thanks for confirming what I just said was 100% right.

This is another overused excuse that has been debunked over and over by devs and the rest is just made up. LFG is not inconsistent mate, player behaviour and its usage is.
Forced 222 is LITERALLY a template for LFG that could and have been used since forever, but people was too lazy to make groups catering their preferences and here we are now.

It is what it is.

Really? Nothing negative?
Like not being able to choose your role or hero depending on the map?
Like being able to swich heroes and roles on the spot with someone to better fit the counter play? Like Flexing being lost? You know, that skill that some players had and turns out it was the actual proper way to play the game?

Yeah “nothing negative”, besides all that and everything I mentioned on my previous post :rofl:

You are fooling yourself if you actually think forced 222 has anything to do with that. All placebo mate. You “felt” like grinding more and you got it now.
100% unrelated to forced 222.


I certainly don’t want an apology for role queue.

It’s the best thing that has happened for solo queuers.

The only people complaining are the impatient people who were originally dps instalockers that never ever played any other role to help the team win.

No mercy
No sympathy
No respect

Thank you blizzard for Role Queue.


I still prefer this over the 4-5 dps comps we got in most matches.


There seems to be a few of these threads where people have regretted favouring RQ.

I was always against RQ and I did warn many about the queue times and lack of players in certain classes, warned the lack of meta variations and warned the impact of tank nerfs before RQ but I just got ridiculed by those pro RQ.

They say if you’re wrong, apologise or make things right but if you’re right, stay quiet. So I shall now stay quiet…


Wait wait wait. Who said i am triggerd?
I am just sick of hearing the same arguments over and over again. But hey, if thats your definition of triggered, you do you.

That you got triggerd… no i am not gonne make a bad joke here.

Nope, nothing. I stand to my role. I play tank on every map, i can play every tank up to high diamond, some into mid master. I have no need to swap to dds. Back in the days i only did it to hardthrow.
Besides, this is just the players mentality.
Not the system.

Besides, i was talking from my viewpoint

Nope, i never botherd play dds doue to shared sr, didnt wanted to drag my sr down just to get better with cree, now i could do it without dropping my supp SR. A win win for me.

But keep loking back through some pinky lenses, will never help you but sure as hell makes you happy.


You know that you are supposed to flex within your own role, right?


Teams with 4-5 DPS still happens all the time… maybe even more frequently now. It’s just not as obvious because it’s people playing DPS support and tank.

The description of the role doesn’t matter as much as the playstyle. We’re still getting 1-4-1 and 5-1 comps, and it’s even more frustrating because the extra DPS supports and tanks are less effective at the role.


Noo, its either Zar or widow. And if i die once as zar i gonne play only widow.
Thats how you should play the game