🔷 PTR: "You can try it, but we're gonna put it on live anyway"

Usually people, that volunteer to deal with potential buggy mess of unfinished game, are given some kind of rewards.

I think some kind of exclusive skin for active testers could go a long way.

Lmao, what do you think betas in any game are for? Its not just Blizzard, this is across the board with all gaming franchises.
Also, the player CHOOSES to go to the PTR, theyre voluntarily deciding to play there. No reason to label it like slave labour.

Then they should call it “preview”, so people stop having any hopes about “testing” in PTR.

It’d be easier to trust their judgement if they’d show us the data they collect.

… Why would they call it preveiew when the players are literally testing the game in a public test region?
Theyre playing the game, testing for bugs. These bugs then get reported (You know, in that PTR bug report forum) and get fixed.
The PTR bug report isnt called PTR balance report, is it? No, because the PTR is for testing for bugs, not balance.

And that’s exactly why D3 has such a bad reputation. People tested night and day on the PTR, but Blizz simpy, ignored them. The playerbase shrunk and so did the testing. The PTR for an upcoming patch is now 1 week for D3. Because no one is expecting ANY changes anyway. And blizzard themselves said, that after 1 week the PTR is not used anymore. Same will probably happen to OW.

Congratulations Blizzard, you played yourself!


This I can strongly agree with. PTR could be so much more but it’s just more or less “here is what’s coming to live soon, unless we really get a strong amount of complaints particularly from the pro scene”.

Nah, the reward is having a game that’s not a complete buggy mess.

People are so entilted nowadays :weary:

This is a result, not a process. The fact that you have to say “CAN be incredibly accurate” as opposed to “IS accurate” proves my point.

Bad process doesn’t always yield bad results, but it will be consistently inaccurate more often than not.

You really expect someone to leave behind their collection of hero costumes, their progress and play unfinished, buggy version of game, that doesn’t even save their progress, for nothing?

So far it’s first time I see such “beta”, that doesn’t transfer your progress to main game, once it’s released.

Yes? You know some people can be excited to try the new changes / map / hero.

Get down from your high horse.

And let’s be real, bugs are usually some silly things like clipping through walls, nothing that makes the game unplayable.

Such people won’t get you anywhere.

If you want somewhat consistent group of players, that test your game, you better give them some encouragement.

Hahahaha you’re kind of delusional, people still play on the PTR, again, just because it’s not your thing doesn’t mean you should be given a reward to go play on it.

I am practical, and I understand, that some people are naĂŻve enough to play PTR.

Ok, stay in your bubble then.

I wish Sombra could use that excuse to get buffed, considering she’s horrible at all ranks.

P.T.R. = Push it Through, Recklessly


6 months lol some meta heroes have been meta for years cough reaper cough my favorite when he holds down M1 cause of 40% life steal then hits Q let’s allow this for another 3 years everyone loves 40%life steal and instant reload wraith forget a patch this have been meta for years meanwhile poor ashe reloads for 8 seconds and sombra for 2 seconds loooool

The changes have been so minimal and usually not what the public is asking for. Its always an odd adjustment then THEY feel like doing almost like they have their favorites

Moira’s fade used to cancel stun, it didn’t get pushed.
They don’t push anything that’s broken and the fact that this patch is basically all necessary nerfs regardless of whether or not the nerfs are enough chances are they will go through, because the game needs them.

There have been other times too, such as:

  • Zen being able to discord people behind barriers
  • Ana nade change (can’t emember, I think they took the damage away)

Possibly others as well. Usually tho they only insta-revert if the change would be blatantly OP (rather than just potentially OP) or they personally don’t like it for whatever reason. Unless its one of these things, then at best fans who complain loud enough will see a compromise, such as when Sym’s beam width was brought down to 0.2 instead of 0.15 (used to be 0.3).