PTR: "Try it out, but we're gonna put it in anyway"

“Listen to feedback” please, blizzard doesnt listen

Tracer is dead, if you want her nerfed more you shouldnt be on a platform where people talk about balance. Everything about tracer is bad unless you watch owl level players trashing all over low gms

This has been said, reaper is op where he cant be handled ie:plat and below

To be fair they’re driving over the culprits, then backing up slowly, then driving over them again, in an attempt to stop it at all costs. How hard did they try to stop dive meta? They introduced one hero. No nerfs. Just a new hero. Granted, it worked, but you can hardly say tanks have a reason to feel good when literally everyone is doing everything they can to wipe them out of the game for the crime they had no choice in committing called Being meta. And it’s not like this game has no history of horribly overcompensating with nerfs or anything.

The PTR is about testing the stability of Overwatch before a new patch goes live. Otherwise things will find their way into the game that could crash servers or whatever.

True that.

I wonder what percentage of PTR changes actually end up getting adjusted while on the PTR.

5%? Maybe less?

yikes, so you hate one role and that role shouldn’t be viable. since when is 6 dps a meta.

Bugfixing? Mercy can still target souls behind walls, immediately cancelling her GA and putting it on CD… that’s been a thing for months now.

Not all the changes are bad.

I see , lots of positive feedbacks in your head.
The positive ones were troll/haters here. Mh?

I legit dont understand the feedback anymore. Even the pros said that the Reaper changes dont help in pro scene, just making the charater broken in every lower elo. They also said that some character needs a compensation for the armor changes. But without any answer they just put it on live.

TBH when Nanzer announced that the Stage 1 will be played on this balance change i gave up all hope on PTR feedback.

PTR is in the US server so it’s laggy.
Long q for a game or nobody play it after 1 week.
Uninstall until the new hero is in.

Tracer is only “dead” vs Brigette.

After the (needed) massive nerfs to Brigette we’ll see a lot more Tracer.

PTR is for testing bugs, not balance changes. The playerbase for the PTR isn’t remotely large enough for them to use as data for balancing.

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Ptr is is pretty random. People don’t try and the people in matches come from all over in terms of skill. So it’s really not that good at determining what is balanced and what’s not. It mostly exists to find bugs and give us a chance to try things out.

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what was your feedback on PTR as a matter of interest?

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The PTR isn’t for testing, it’s for early access so youtube streamers can make their youtube money making content on things that have not been released yet.

The PTR should be renamed “PEAR”: Public Early Access Region

Test means several things. In the PTR case it means to test for bugs not test out heroes balance.

How did that work out for the heavily reported ult bug on Doomfist?

I feel as though it’s not that bad? I am allowed to have an opinion you know.

I don’t agree with every balance change/hero introduction/rework but overall I think they’re not doing a bad job balancing the game. I’ll give them some slack where it’s due, because everyone on the forums practically witch hunt the devs that are evidently doing their best. If I really dislike a change I will write a constructive post about it so my feedback might actually be heard, if not at least I’m not bitter about it.