PTR Sombra: Why we think she's bad EXPLAINED

Pretty sure you have a fan club on the forums so I’m sure your presence will keep us at the top for longer :wink:

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75% is not hugely more effective. It’s exactly 25% more effective and only for a few seconds. I don’t see how positioning is taking you longer when you can now literally be standing in what would be plain sight picking your target waiting for your team to be in position. If that very small burst of speed for a very small amount of time is keeping you from positioning well, you need to rethink how you approach fights.

Also, anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean anything to me. I’ve lost plenty of GM matches to Sombras who spend too long trying to balance their translocator and stealth CDs and are rarely able to participate in team fights because of it, but that doesn’t strengthen my argument at all.

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50% greatly limits some of the routes you were able to take without putting a translocator on cooldown (such as the Hanamura gap), it also makes it harder in instances where you are forced to use stealth to escape to evade the enemy, that stacked alongside the detection range increase.

As well as that, if I don’t intend to be in stealth longer than 6 seconds anyway, because a good Sombra player can minimise their stealth time, why on earth would I choose to move slower? You can say “well I’ve seen GM Sombra’s who can’t manage their timers” but the fact of the matter is that means they’re bad Sombra’s. I’m a diamond Sombra that can. These players shouldn’t be playing at GM. You don’t work fast because of your timers. You work fast because if you’re not working that fast, you’re staying out of the game for too long.

You may as well pick a different hero if you need to spend more than 6 seconds in stealth.

You may as well pick a different hero if your translocator ever runs out before you use it.

If you let either of these things happen, you’re playing Sombra inefficiently. It’s not a restriction caused by the hero’s kit, it’s a restriction caused by the player’s ineptitude

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It’s two small restrictions underneath two monumental buffs. This thread makes me think it’s a purely a pride thing that fuels the mentality I’m seeing here. Not admitting that this is a huge buff really undermines the flimsy arguments I’m seeing here.

If “git gud” is really the platform you want to stand on, you’re all going to need to learn how to be more thoughtful in your approaches with the slightly decreased speed and wider detection radius. That’s definitely harder than juggling a couple of cooldowns, but it opens up a new skill level nobody has had to deal with yet with Sombra. Git gud applies here, too.

This is such a well constructed post, you actually expose Sombra’s major issues we, Sombra main, have been going through for so long. And why do people think we want Sombra to be overruffed, all we ask for is bug fixes, a decent hack, maybe reducing delays and a few QoL changes so she’s able to compete with other DPS heroes…
I really hope the devs read your post and take the time to think it through because I think they really need to understand how she’s really doing in the game atm


It’s the opposite way round.

It’s FOUR monumental restrictions for two small buffs which aren’t even buffs because no Sombra main worth their salt will need these buffs.

The timers are there as a learning curve. If you want to play Sombra, you HAVE to play her well. Mastering those timers is one of the most satisfying things about Sombra because mastery of those timers makes you deadly.

This nerf makes her more approachable, but it forces players at a higher level to play Sombra slower, meaning she’ll be REALLY good down in bronze or silver, ok in gold, but pretty bad anywhere else where the game doesn’t move at Sombra’s new, slower pace.

You have to keep an open mind and realise what parts of each ability are actually the most useful to a Sombra main. Don’t assume you play Sombra how we do, or that your method of playing her is more efficient. You’re intentionally being a contrarian for the sake of a reaction and refuse to acknowledge what SOMBRA MAINS are telling you is the problem with her.

They aren’t monumental though. They’re negligible. They would be even if they didn’t come with nerfs. They do nothing to significantly change how she plays or how impactful she is. Stealth didn’t need changed. Trans was fine aside from bugs. Hack’s bugs were the biggest thing that needed addressed.

Sombra’s role in this game is confused and contradictory. She’s not that great of an assassin/flanker, she wasn’t that great as an ult-bot DPS/Support hybrid, and these changes won’t make her a good “infiltrator” or “scout”, roles which aren’t even useful in this game.

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Maining something doesn’t make you right, though, or even good at it. You can be good at juggling cooldowns without having any game sense beyond that, which is exactly what you’ll need to play her correctly after the changes.

I’m not being a contrarian here for the fun of it. I’m trying to provide a neutral and objective viewpoint from somebody who isn’t attached to the character. If anyone is contrary, it’s Sombra mains, who have complained about every change ever made to Sombra with the exception of the one that lasted less than a week that gave her hack no counterplay. That says a lot in itself. I promise Blizzard understands the character they designed and created.

Evidently they don’t, since they designed a character that’s been a niche troll pick since her introduction, and have flip-flopped on what exactly her role is supposed to be.

It’s not just Sombra mains though. Non Sombra mains are also agreeing with us. One of our forum members took the discussion to reddit which has garnered almost 5000 points in 13 hours ( Top 500 players are saying it, even Stylosa, who was leading the charge on the Sombra hate train ages ago just made a video saying that the PTR changes were nerfs. As much as I dislike his content I’d actually recommend watching it, since it’s the perspective of a non-Sombra main, and he also showcases how mundane this makes her playstyle ( There’s a poll going around the forums where 75% of participants say these new changes are bad.

We’re not just whining for the sake of it, we’re not a minority. There’s a HUGE number of people, Sombra main and non Sombra main, who agree


alright then. in what circumstance would one need infinite, but ability limiting and damage fragile stealth that comes with an ever so slight speedboost , that is not enough to actually jump gaps or reasonably outmaneuver enemies and also has a certain death radius of 4meters.
And furthermore is coupled with long intro and outro animations, which also limit abilities and draws a lot of attention towards you.

And dont tell me to scout or survey. i consider that argument just as invalid as that role is for the team.

Im seriously asking for a valid use in combat. i cant come up with any :C


Here it is:

I think it’s more the case that they want to try to change her role because so many players find her current role “unfun” to play against. So they’re reworking the character trying to make her fun to fight against while not making her fun to use at all.

I guess the core of a problem is most of the players are not willing to learn how to play against Sombra.
She is not so hard to kill.
And of course a good Sombra players are pain in the ananus…
But so are good Genjis, Tracers, Lucios, Snipers… all heroes.
I never really had a problem to deal with her. As I main her I know her weaknesess. (And c’mon she is a f tier hero)

Also I believe after these changes she will be even less fun to play against while also less fun to play as.
They took the reward for actually getting good with her and gave us something that will benefit only simple way of a new players.

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Thank you so much, but I couldn’t do it without the help from you guys!:wink:

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I think the Sombra haters just hate the concept of a stealth hero in general. They’ll never like any hero that’s based around sneaking up on them and getting cheap shots, regardless of how weak or strong she is. Because honestly they can complain about hack all they want, but if you offered them hack for whatever character they mained, they wouldn’t want it. The only thing that makes hack remotely good is just that Sombra does it as a surprise attack.


People that don’t play Sombra don’t understand two things:

1. How to play Sombra, and therefore, why these changes are bad.

Apparently this includes a large number of devs. Just watch Seagull’s interview with Jeff Kaplan a couple of days ago. Jeff didn’t even know that Sombra mains used Stealth to contest the point. He literally said that was something beyond his skill level.

2. Sombra mains don’t want Sombra to be OP, just viable.

You have to trust us here. We don’t want Sombra to be OP because we don’t like seeing other people playing her on our games, even on the enemy team. We feel like she belongs to us, individually. When I’m flexing (and that’s 90% of the time), I hate when someone else picks Sombra. First, because chances are they’ll play her horribly, and second, because if someone is going to be playing her, it should be me!

We just want Blizzard to fix her bugs, maybe reduce her reload time, maybe her animations… Not much else.

These changes will make Sombra easier to play, while making her more useless at the same time. Once casual players realize this and stop playing her, Sombra mains will find ourselves with a nerfed hero that gets reported for gameplay sabotage every time we pick her.


You are right mate. It feels awful when I join a game and somebody already picked her. I usually watch their every step and it makes me furious when they don’t use her properly.

But I admit when they are really good… I’m not happy either.
With enemy Sombra I don’t understand why the always attack and try to kill me as a Sombra… even in the middle of the team fight. It usually just end up with their team wipe as a more important target in our team ults. And I survive anyway.
But it’s true that most of the players have the need to prove that they are better at the hero. (Every single one) even if it means they are gonna loose the game.


Oh my god I thought that was just my thing. If I see an enemy Sombra, I’m playing Sombra. I have to outplay her to prove I’m the alpha Sombra.


I was also trying to outplay them before to show my domination.
But after some time I found out I can just straight ignore them.
My goal and the profit for the team are more important. Sombra fights rarely end with death anyway. So it just makes the game 5v5
For example when I’m an attacking Sombra and an important healthpack is hacked by the defending Sombra it starts that war for the hack. While the other Sombra tries to kill me my goal is just to take the health pack for my team. So I just dodge her and stop her from rehacking. They always forget what is the goal. So when she reloads I hack the pack and byebye XD

But I rarely see a good Sombra anyway…
I bet the fight between anyone from this topic would be an epic one. Two dedicated Sombras…
The nerves XD