PTR patch notes

Jeez. These patch notes actually look really good, but Baptiste just looks from his abilities to be extremely OP, and a potential must pick. I play on console so I can’t test him, but if anyone can give me their opinions on him over time that would be much appreciated!


This has been in the game for almost 3 years now (probably more from his beta stages) and its just now getting fixed. Should have been a long time ago.

Patching now, will post in a few minutes

Soldier: 76

Pulse Rifle
    Damage increased from 19 to 20

Welp, back to OP soldier again. Guess will need to wait half year as usual to revert damage back.

Its incredibly hard to “test” anything on PTR.
But he does seem to be overloaded in what he can do.

I’m going to love the sombra hack buff.

Finally 76 got his damage back.

Hanzo becomes more potent due to an increase of his scouting/peeking ability.

Pharaph player will enjoy having their min explosive damage back.

I’m fine with Ana’s Nano Boost and McCree FtH nerf.

Must be some mistake. Where is the mandatory Brig nerf?

Its a hitscan weapon with burst shots, like FAMAS in CSGO. Good damage, around 45 per triple i think. The grenades also heal around 50 and the impact is like Ana’s. Has fall off damage

E skill is a drone that prevents people from losing more HP than the last 20% for 5 sec aprx and can be destroyed.

Shift is like biotic field from soldier

Ulti is a little force field wall that amplifies damage of shots through it and healing of any thing that goes through it.

Left CTRL is a boost from boots.

No venom or anti heal / denial in AoE but clutch skills to save a bastion meanwhile GOATS gets wrecked.

EDIT: its here

This is sarcasm right?

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I’d prefer OP soldier than GOATs.

In season 3, it was a 3-4 tank meta (pretty close to GOATS today) and at that time, the only dps playable was soldier 76, because of the 20 damage buff since only he could fight tanks. Soldier won’t kill GOATS, he will be with GOATS.

When Soldier was nerfed we didn’t have as many shields, armor or healing in the game as we have now.
Bastion also does 20 damage per bullet in his walking form. He isn’t dominating.
76 will be a bit more viable but still not great.
He will probably be picked now instead of not even being an option when choosing a hero.

I didn’t see a Junkrat buff but everyone else who needed buffs, got buffs.

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