PTR Hero Balance Notes

I think the helix rockets buff is actually very good for Soldier. The rockets do a lot of damage, and having that burst on demand more often is gonna make him stronger in ways I think people are sleeping on right now.

Another Rein fan boyā€¦ ok at least you will be a useful shield

The initial buff was 2 less seconds, didnā€™t hear you all saying ā€œitā€™s only 2 seconds less!ā€ then.

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Cause I didnt say anythingā€¦ Because it was only 2 secondsā€¦

His logic on this is fairly funny 2bh, the comparison lost is insane.

yes thatā€™s a pun, sue me.

No she doesnā€™tā€¦those changes arenā€™t permanent, this one isā€¦


I get that one a lot. Also my logic is that the buff was good, the nerf isnā€™t as harsh as most think, thatā€™s allā€¦

Pharah missing as usual from any discussion or balance notes.

And thank god no more double nerfs to Brig this time, finally for once. Not getting nerfed feels like a buff to her at this point.

Thatā€™s all I gotta say

Great changes, except the nerf

Heā€™s not though. Rein Orisa is gonna be meta.

  • - Donā€™t understand why they did this, but at least they only went halfway. Tons of people are overreacting. 5 to 4 seconds is still a strong buff, along with the DM recharge and cooldown buffs. Sheā€™s come a long way from the garbage can.
  • Mei - This was needed. Enough said.
  • Sigma - Nice, but I think he needed a different tweak to his ult instead.
  • Soldier - YOUNG PUNKS, GET OFF MY LAWN! (so freaking happy, he needed this so badlyā€¦)
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So core they started swapping her out for Sombra and Hammond. Not trying to be hostile but facts are facts. If she was ā€œcoreā€ she wouldnā€™t have been swappable.

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? dva could have 5 seconds booster and still be strong.


buffing the cheese part of soldiers kit :rofl: buff his gun not helix

To be honest this is completely fair game. A Tank shouldnt be busted by a choke Ice Wall. The team actually has time to save him.

Still hoping for Pharah buff.

Both DVA & Mccree wreck her hard these days.

Everyone in GOATs got swapped at some point except Lucio and Zarya. Rein for Winston, Moira for Ana and then Zen, and even Brig for Baptiste eventually. Is GOATs just any comp with Lucio and Zarya then? (i think Zarya did too but much less often than anyone else since she was the primary damage dealer)

There was never any form of Hammond GOATs. There was an anti-GOATs triple DPS comp using Hammond that Chengdu and Shanghai used.

Sad for Mei, this is harsh (the 30% cooldown increase).
Happy for Soldier butā€¦ isnā€™t this a bit overpowered?! :open_mouth: