Thats why it’s not a real soft reset since the measurements change the value of the reset.
Then what is a soft reset? From my understanding a soft reset just basically hides your MMR for ten matches, then places you in a similar rank to where you were depending on how many games you won/lost.
And a hard reset completely wipes everyone’s MMR, lumping everyone together (GM vs Silver, Plat vs Bronze, etc).
see my issue with soft reset is its not a normal soft reset. it accounts for the last 6 months of gameplay for all roles.
a normal HARD reset just sets everything at 0/new account.
a soft reset usually accounts for the last season/what everyone at on average or set to 0/new account while ALSO accounting for last season potentially doing an average or some weird combining math, NOT a whole 6 months of gameplay.
basically they took the idea of a soft reset and twisted it (supposedly theyre including QP data but not confirmed so dont take it for fact). if they only took data from one season AND only the last where games were 222 then I would agree it was a true soft reset but they didnt.
Funny thing. I was hardstuck low to mid dia. And now with role q i am at low masters as a tank main.
Gosh i love it.
I know that feel bruh
OW system doesn’t count S***…
I dunno what happened, but i grew my skills esponentially in the last months and yet i am still placed at LOW gold in every role (I can flex)
The first rank you get when you place in a new account remains that in every season if not lower. It’s frustating to say the least. (of course there are some exeptions like insanely lucky winstreak or on the opposite insanely high lose streak)
have you won enough games that you got to plat in any season?
Also usually for placements they place u slightly LOWER than the last season.
Not every season unfortunately. I fear that this is the main reason.
But then again i stopped playing because this game basically forces a 50-50 win lose ratio, dunno how but it seems like that, and if you see my stats from the first season to the last one it’s basically 50-50; sometime slightly lower sometimes slightly higher.
I bet that other games try to rank a little higher sometimes to see if you can mantain that rank with your skills. well in OW this never happened. I would be ok in beign in plat to be honest, where people actually don’t get countered by a single bastion with a barrier in front of him
they dont most start lower bc it ruins less games than putting them higher.
yah if you dont get out of your rank by playing then youll retain last seasons rank unless you do exceptionally well in placements or fight higher rank players in your placements and win.
Remain the fact that ranking in ow is almost impossible unless you find a motivated premade on par with your skills
not really it just takes time self eval and skill. replays are a HUGE thing ive used to improve lately so much easier than recording and rewatching
I’ll try with the replay, as for the time, it take SO F* LONG…and if you are lower than gold it’s impossible unless you main a carry hero like genji, reaper or tracer that can self heal and self everything