Actually, what you’d said that I’m questioning is:
You’re asserting that there is confusion because theres a contradiction.
That’s an assumption.
I am not stating you claiming there’s a contradiction is an assumption.
But that contradiction clarifies what the interviewer was stating previously.
It’s the interviewer who begins it off with “it’ll be 1 tank 1 support 2 dps”
Mercer the over the course of the interview “contradicts” this statement, and clarifies it- stating that this is a tool they’ll play around with, and they’re not locking themselves into anything. They may change how long a hero pool is available. They may change the number of heroes pooled. And that they aren’t necessarily always going to be 1 tank 1 dps and 2 support.
I am not saying it’s an assumption that people didn’t understand what was going on.
I’m saying that you asserting that they’re confused because of a contradiction- is an assumption.
Again - you’re assuming.
You’re assuming people read it, and were confused by the contradiction.
Almost no one who is confused references the second statement. At all.
They all quote the first, and never bring up second.
But hey I’ll grant the benefit of the doubt- who else can you find who mentions the second statement and is confused by what it meant in the end?
Again- I don’t question that people are confused.
I’m saying if they’d read the article, they shouldn’t have been.