PSA: Junkrat is in danger of Dying

As a Junkrat main, I understood the Tyre Nerf.

But we also got Genji hitbox reductions so it balances out.

It shouldn’t change much anyways. Most of the serious Junkrat players can read people like Book and consistently land direct hits anyways.


The JRat nerf is very ginger.

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ok when did I say he was OP? Please find the quote not just in this thread but ANY thread. I didn’t even want him nerfed. But he is a forgiving hero to play. Which is fine. They just made him a little harder to get value out of which is also fine. But the reward is the same which is what I wanted if the did nerf him. So you will have to get a little better at landing nades now. You will be ok.


Read: Junkrat is in danger of Dying



I remember how people said that the previous nerf with the dmg fall off is going to kill him and it turned out that he was still perfectly viable.


Slightly smaller projectiles and a slightly slower tire…okay…


Hey we all get our time to shine, Let Hanzo Sym and Torb get some love.

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Hey lets have an ultimate that is available within seconds and are able to instant kill the whole roster without abilities. Sure hes dying. If whoever didn’t get that, its called sarcasm.


Eh, I don’t think these changes will amount to much. They’re not like the Tracer nerfs which are a direct reduction in her power.

These nerfs are aimed at making Junkrat less dominant in lower ranks by making him a bit harder. It’s just gunna separate the Jakerats from the Trashrats.


I’ve literally played a qp game where I was just spinning in place and spamming and every time I killed genji or tracer, which happened more than I even thought possible, I would say to my friends “you like that high precision kill?”
None of us could stop laughing.


Incorrect, sir. I bid you farewell

This is pure ignorance of what this change means. Play on live, then Play on PTR. I’ve got 91 hours on live with Junkrat, spanning 9 Seasons. This is my main, I know better, come on man.


Oh stop it, you’re overreacting now, just cause he’s not picked in every game now doesn’t make him a meme pick. Besides it’s only been a day, and it’s PTR! Chill out.


Where is the compensation? Because this does nothing to raise the skill ceiling, it’s a total missed opportunity, and they just lazy manned through it.


I never said you specifically said he was OP, did I ? The general consensus among the bad players with zero situational awareness or game sense though, is exactly this. I wasn’t saying that YOU said this.

Junkrat already takes enough effort to do well with, and is only forgiving when the enemy team is full of again, bad players with no situational awareness or game sense.

I already do decently well at landing nades (direct hits), but that doesn’t mean this nerf is warranted. It’s a huge nerf to his main weapon, and one that is totally uncalled for, since it rewards bad players with the lack of the previously mentioned skills. Those bad players on the would-be receiving end are the ones who will now have an easier time because of this terrible change to Junkrat’s nades.

I’m 100% against this nerf because it encourages the bad players who complained about him, to continue to play badly instead of learning how to look around, be aware, and react to the battle around them. They didn’t do it before, and now they’re even harder to punish for it because the size nerf will make it that much less punishing. Junkrat punishes these players HARD, as he should. This type of game requires the players to have good game sense and situational awareness. Blizzard is doing every player a disservice by letting the bad ones go unpunished for their lack of skill in these two key areas.

Where am I pulling this from exactly ? Every other team-based, character-based multiplayer game I’ve ever played, especially Team Fortress 2, which Overwatch was very clearly inspired by, as well as League of Legends. I have almost 20 years of experience playing these sorts of games, so I know what I’m saying is not unfounded.


Is Junkrat that weak that he needs compensation? Because I don’t believe he is.

He’ll still be A/B tier in high level play, these nerfs just knock him down from S+ Tier in lower tiers.


I will not, “chill out”. It’s one of the worst PTR’s they ever did. And I will make it a point now to bring it up everyday. This is horrible, someone here mentioned Tracer, and that was just as silly.

Honestly would you be chill if they killed your main? I think not, don’t be silly.


The worst part is that he was the best answer to Brig.

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Junkrat mains… We must UNITE !


He’ll still be a fantastic answer to Brig. She’s large, especially when holding up her shield, and has no mobility to dodge his shots.

They’re not nerfing his potential, just making it harder to pull off, especially against smaller targets.