Ps5 pharmacy has ruined overwatch

Why is this allowed

Every single game boom boom boom pharmacy

these players are trash can bots as well

but then u get team mates go 2 off healers and 2 off tanks

i dont care what any1 says i am goods but rest team are bots


Nice bait post. Ill give it a 1/10

bait how

phara and pahrmacy need removed

Sry but If you cant kill a phara or even contest her its nit her fault

i mean i do agree with that pharmacy is a problem but i think the problem is how u NEEED GOOD aim in order to counter pharmacy, that’s it there’s no other option shoelds don’t work nor turrets, this a pharah issue but mercy makes it 3 times as bad

in fact it’s a problem all the hyper mobile dps in the game, no lock ons or stuns will work consistently, only landing your shots