PS4 Voice Chat Noise Distortion for everyone

Was Playing QP last night for a few hrs. Anyone and everyone with a mic that would try to say anything sounded like Thomas the Tank Engine DISTORTED ear song. It was horrible. It affects everyone and anyone using a mic or not can hear how horrible it is.


Yep, the same thing is happening to me! It’s awful. I thought it was my mic at first but it happens when I’m not even using a mic. I can barely make out what anyone is saying. It’s like my speakers are blown out but only for group chat. The game itself sounds normal.

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Been happening since the update yesterday. No word from BlizzardCS on Twitter. This needs to get fixded asap


I have the same issue, haven’t been playing for a month and eas looking to rank up :sob:

having the same issues would be nice if blizzard acknowledged the problem

ok sorry they did respond here is what they said

PS4 Voice Chat
We have been made aware of an issue that causes the Overwatch in-game voice volume to be set to max. While we are looking into this issue we do recommend setting the in-game voice volume to 60 or lower to compensate and apologize for any inconvenience.


Same thing here, not to be rude but can they release a patch without huge bugs? This is the only game I played where patches ruins other sections of a game, important ones. Communication is very important in this game

Same problem. Please fix blizz!

this is still happening to me right now

The problem is turning it down just eliminates the physical piercing pain. It does not get rid of distortion. My Mic sound is at 50 but it constantly sounds maxed and distorted. It sound distorted no matter what volume it is at. I wont play comp in lucio ball or standard until that is fixed.

This is happening to me as well. Does anyone know if you also project static when speaking?

Hopefully they fix this very soon. I started experiencing it when the summer games event came out .

So I turned down “Voice Chat Volume” to 45 and it seemed to solve the problem.

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Go into sound settings and bring the voice chat volume down to 50 or 60 and it goes back to normal.

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Yes, everyone that talks sounds horrible.

I found that if you turn the chat volume to 30, save it, and then put it back up to whatever number you want, it fixes the bug

Permanently or is this just temp? or per game?

19 days and this is still happening. What’s going on Blizzard, we can’t play like this

This is an ESSENTIAL mechanism of the game. More important than stupid Dva sprays…

This may be related to general audio issues happening in Overwatch, check out this thread: