PS4 Overwatch still retails at $60

Heya, I heard that Overwatch got a price reduction recently and that I would be able to get it for 30-40 dollars. I went on the PlayStation store and they only offer the legendary edition for $60.

I would be fine if it was the base game for just 40 but there’s no way I buy the legendary edition for some stupid loot boxes. There’s no alternative “standard edition” as advertised (on the PlayStation store).

There’s no way I’m going to buy a game that’s online only with cosmetic micro transactions that’s a full 60 dollars. I suppose that Blizzard will just keep losing sales until they decide to fix it as advertised.

Thank you for your time.

TL:DR there is no standard/origins edition on the PlayStation store and the legendary edition is currently retailing at 60 bucks.

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If you have a PC and you don’t mind playing on it, get it on PC. It’s cheaper and a better experience.

Sony is always overcharging with their digital prices. I ordered it online elsewhere for 29.99 a month ago.


They have a sale a couple times a year, be sure to keep an eye out for that. I have two accounts, one DPS and one support, and one I bought with WoW gold and the other I bought with WoW gold at a discounted price during one of these sale events. It was like half off.

Just to start: origins, game of the year, and legendary are all the same upgraded package, just with more stuff added each time.

On pc, the price without a sale is 40usd for legendary, and 20usd for standard. Not sure what Sony is doing there.

With a sale, legendary is 20usd, while standard is 15usd.

Do you already have it on PS4?

It has to do with how the marketplace works on console. The game publishers basically pay a tax/fees to Sony and Microsoft for the privilege of being able to use their digital marketplace. This results in them having to recoup that cost of that tax somehow which means raising the price of their game in those marketplaces so they don’t take a loss on it.

For example, if they marketed the game on Sony and Microsoft store for $20 with a 30% store tax (example only, idk their actual fees) on each sale paid to Sony and MS, that’s a big loss to Blizzard because they’re basically selling the game for $14 since $6 of each sale is paid to Sony and Microsoft.

The workaround is higher prices on console, but like many have said, Sony and MS often put them on sale here and there, it’s just a matter of being vigilant and watching out for them. It was like half price on xbox last week or the week before.

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Isnt OW at 20$??? On pc

It was just on sale the last week or before that on PSN. You shoulda snapped it up :man_shrugging:t2:

Same on the xbox the console stores, I wanted to buy it as well cause I heard about the price reduction that way I wouldnt have to switch to the disc every time I wanted to play and it says its unavailable and I can only buy the legendary edition as well

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lol @ paying retail for console games.

I already have it Xbox, but my friends use PlayStation and I was going to get it again to play with them but I’m not tryna pay for a bunch of loot boxes to get cosmetics on my other account I got for free.

I hear you can make infinite smurf accounts on console. So then that makes up for the higher price. :yum:

just go buy physical for cheap.

There is no standard edition cuz the game goes though sony and microsoft which makes it more expensive on consoles. On PC they are not obligated with 3rds party companies and can sell it as they please. The cosmetics are pretty much just a bonus so you won’t feel completely robbed.

thats why pc is better than console… you can buy the can on multiple platforms and it gets cheap after a while…

SONY always overcharges on their store

Ah ok, asking since if you already have it, you can just make a new account for free.

Not if you buy physical, Overwatch is 40-20$[not including tax] on amazon.

Yeah, the only thing I get digital is collector’s version of expansions for FFXIV since the one for Shadowbringers is 60$ comapred to 200$ for physical.