PS4 Friend Finder

Hello everyone.

Been going through some hard times lately, in terms of my friends in the real world, was hoping I could maybe make some friends here :slight_smile:

My name is Jason, Iโ€™m 23, Australian and I play flex tank/ support at 2550 on PS4.
Iโ€™m not exclusively looking to make PS4 friends, Iโ€™ll take what I can get.


Iโ€™m like 8 hours behind you in terms of time zones and I donโ€™t own a PS4 (If I did, Iโ€™d totally tag along for some good times!) but Iโ€™m sorry to hear youโ€™re going through some hard times and I wish you all the best in the future and hope everything works out soon :smiley:

This may help you:

In the past, I was ignored or abused there :slight_smile:

Oh damn :frowning:
Hopefully you find some people to play with though! You seem like a super awesome guy! :smiley: :+1:

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I mean you can add me but unless I start doing horribly and drop 1k SR we canโ€™t do comp.

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Iโ€™ve been on a steady climb since I got the game.

Maybe one day we can be a terrifying diamond duo xD

Oh god you are 3.7k my bad xD

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I think i have a smurf in plat if you really wanted someone to play with

Itโ€™s okay, I appreciate the thought.

I thought Iโ€™d get a similar amount of responses to this that my regular posts do haha.

Youโ€™ve been very kind, but this wasnโ€™t exactly what I was expecting.

good luck


On a side note, if youโ€™re looking for some friends and nice easy people to chat with, pop along here :smiley:

No judgement and just awesomely chill happy people from all over the world on all sorts of platforms! :smiley: