Proof that Blizzard is deliberately weakening the healing capability of supports

fully charged zarya can deal disgusting dps.

Otherwise, I agree.

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Anti-PowerCreep for everybody.

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this is exactly what Bliz is doing.

they probably agree that the powercreep is getting out of hand, so now they need to rein it in across the board.

Plus this opens up the door for new heroes to be a bit weaker if everyone else’s legs are chopped off.

Pharah’s damage was heavily nerfed, not buffed.

This isn’t surprising for anyone who could read between the lines of how 2-2-2 would “help them balance the game”.

Now that you are required to have two of each class, they can start to adjust their power levels so that more heroes are pickable, because strategies where you had less of one class with a stronger hero are no longer possible.

You can see the pluses and minuses of it obviously – but overall if you didn’t see that Blizzard was going to start nerfing well performing heroes to be more “in line” with low performing heroes to start balancing out the picks of each hero class, then you clearly don’t understand game design.

Brig is a bit of an outlier as she was only over performing at high tiers, but the concept in general is pretty consistent thus far.

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Am I reading this wrong? I feel “proof” would imply some kind of scandal when it’s been pretty clear from the beginning. High sustain has been an issue for over a year. They nerfed the tanks with the most sustain, and there was still a problem, so heals were next. Be glad they’ve nerfed the easy, less interesting healing before the things like Ana’s Biotic Rifle or Moira’s orbs.

It was because she was trash with 50hps AoE
wait… 50hps AoE???
that sounds familiar… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Lucio creepily pokes his toad head around the corner


What’s even more unique with Brig is that her viability drops off greatly going to the pro scene.

On ladder below masters/gm Brig is practically useless because communication and coordination just isn’t there for Brig.

Brig is great in masters/GM for the opposite reason. Communication works really well with a brig, and you get a lot of coordination at that level.

But in the pro scene, we just don’t see her much yet, which is weird because you’d expect an even higher level of comm and coord.

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Nothing weird about it, since it’s best to run hero, that doesn’t need coordination, even there. As it allows player to operate on their own, without having to distract whole team for it.

If you compare OWL team to office, you got multiple tasks, that needed to be done. You can either focus whole department on one task at a time, or do them all at once, if employers can do it.

To put it simply, if you are 100% better than enemy DPS, you no longer need tanks and supports to help you, as they can’t buff you to new levels. At the same time, enemy tanks/supports become a nuisance, as they deny you your “well deserved” kills.


Supports are the reason why tanks have been so oppressive. Supports are the reason why GOATS was so strong and same goes for Double Shield meta.

If you say that nerfing supports means encouraging bad dps players, doesn’t this means that Doomfist was nerfed in order to encourage bad support players.

During Double Shield meta he was the only hero that could reliably counter double shields but due to support players complaining all the day that Doomfist is OP eventually resulted in getting him nerfed for nothing.

Soooo…that’s the justification for nerfing any support/tank hero that the best DONT like, right?

I kinda understand this statement, but Doomfist currently counters the entire support roster.
Support heroes only have marginal and limited capabilities to fight back or deter Doomfist.
If Doomfist were nerfed to encourage bad support players, Rocket punch would no longer deal 250 damage max, primary fire would be totally reverted to its launch form which was relatively bad compared to the ultra-consistent and readily available decimation it is now, and Doomfist would no longer gain as many shields when successfully attacking enemies. Also, the cooldown buffs for uppercut and seismic slam would be reverted.

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Again, at the beginning Mercys 50HPS was the highest healing in the game and it was only single target.

People always complain about Mercys “nerf” from 60 to 50, but it was never a nerf, it was a revert from a former buff.
On top of that, Lucios healing was also weaker then now, and Zen was the same as now.

So even if you had combined, what was then possible, all 3 healers, they had less healing potential then a single Moira today, and most of it was single target with only a small amount of AOE. Moira is full AOE

Because he is in the game? Of course if something strong is in the game it will be used, and if your opponent chooses to use the strong hero and you don´t you will likely lose.

Just imagine a game where heroes like Moira and Baptiste were never added. You still could play the game, if the enemy does not have an insane healer you also do not need one in your team.

You wanna play for 10 minutes with nothing dying?

First of all they need to nerf healing. Healing potential is now at least 100% higher then at launch.

And yeah I agree if healing gets reduced to a level it was at launch some of the damage buffs seem unnecessary and should be reverted as well, it is the high amount of healing that leads to a stale gameplay.

There have been some damage increases at well, but they have been on a scale from 10 to 20%, while healing with the introduction of new heroes increased by 100% and more, so just plain math tells you that healing is the main problem.

Also the focus on nerfing burst damage does not do much in the balance between damage and healing, because the nature of burst damage is, that it negates most or all of the healing.

Nerf Widows damage for 10 or 20%? Nobody cares, it is still a oneshot, and even if you buff healing by 500% it would not make a difference.

Not really, it’s only zen, ana and bapsite who were mostly being countered by him. Mercy can easily escape him, Moira can easily fade away, lucio can mess his combos, brig can stun him during his mid ability and allow her team to kill him.

Mostly it’s used for escaping since his fluency lies in his combos, being a punch bot is a death sentence for him.

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