Proof that Blizzard is deliberately weakening the healing capability of supports

Numbers aside, I haven’t noticed a difference at all since the change. Armor pack still heals decently, 50 armor on top of full health is still very nice, and I still get my ult at a regular pace.

Play her more and you won’t complain as much.

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I can’t posts like this serious sorry, ofc there’s some truth to it, but thats just bc 60% of the players play DPS, so you’ll always be more cathered to the dps, any changes will affect them more.

So if you nerf healing, you help the enemy supports and tanks but you help the 60% more bc they just are more players overall.

If you look at Moiras initial HPS and what brig got nerfed to, yes she’s harshly overnerfed.

But if you compare her to mercy, then she’s quite balanced and in line with mercy.

Also some players like to forget half the kit and do not calculate this in.
Which is the equivalent to a doomfist diving in with only Seismic Slam and Primary fire. he won’t get a pick, same as brig for example won’t get crazy healing numbers by only using 1 healing skill.

Overall, imho healing is in some spots still to good and burst dmg is obviously the other side, but i’m not sure if just nerfing burst damage on its own will do much, unless making the dps picks completely irrelevant.

Nerfing healing first makes the game faster and allows more “dps” to be viable, maybe even eliminating the need for burst heroes, due to the healing nerf.

But I’m not against it, that we look at burst dmg once healing is on a sustained dmg level.

I’m also a fan of Abilities like Nade, that can Boost healing temporarly but not 100% safe, like you can fail nade, but if you land it. it can save the fight. Which is imho a great implementation of burst healing enabling abilities.

Moira is similar, not hard to land but expensive.
Like using Orb + Coalesence to boost the HP/s higher.


have you heard of whats called a ‘Zenyatta’?


Not even close. Out of all the massive overreactions I’ve seen on the forums, this beats em all. Moiras healing nerf was pretty insignificant since she has 2 sources of healing. Only Mercy’s has had a big impact.


All outgoing healing in the game needs to be reduced. It has completely negated all damage but the strongest burst. It has become what everything else in the game revolves around. Nothing else is as effective at what it does. If McCree was as proportionally potent as healing is, his bullets would pierce barriers and chain to additional enemies. That’s how inflated the importance of healers has become over anything else.


I’m not saying the nerfs are right or wrong. But wanted to point out that for roughly the last week the support que has had the shortest wait times in my rank(plat). Use to be tanks.


Same thing is happening to tanks… thats why Ive stopped playing them… whats the point of learning a hero if its gonna get nerf into uselessness next week?

Go to dps heros their nerf are a slap on the wrist.


I still see any Tank and support and any dps played.
Mostly it’s true for tanks and supports.

Orisa got nerfed into irrelevance? Still picked in owl

DPS getting nerfed or dumpstered with counters, not a single play in owl.

just saying
If you’d nerf reinhardt into the ground, he’d still be played.

The issue with tanks and support will come, trust me.

Just wait until we have 10-20 tanks/Supports and you’ll see the forums BURN bc Tank Nr 5 isn’t meta and dumpster tier since 5 seasons except the best of the best might make it work with less value.

While Tank Nr 12 has a high pick rate.
Tank Nr 17 is absolutely trash tier und useless.

Currently you could nerf reinhardt to the ground and he would still se usage, bc you can’t always fully replace him.

Oh soldier? McCre? Ashe? Widow? They all fullwill the same purpose, yet they wanted to pick McCree and not much else, maybe a bit widow.

Ashe = not useless, but she’s not picked at all.

Just wait, Every single shield tank addition will be dangerous for existing shield tanks

Sometimes i think the Forums are counting buffs and nerfs, not how heavy they are, or if new heroes are making the jonb of some heroes harder, NO! Hero X had 5 Nerfs and Hero Y only 2, NERF hero 2 bc they never get touched anyway!

Tracer didn’t got a single nerf, still her pickrate litteraly went down from Absolutely insane high to close to not even existing.
And there was not even a nerf or buff involved.

Forums are always Black and White without any Color, which is sad as it does maybe reflect the Rank one person is, or the last game they placed, but it simply isn’t true overall.

like the argument DPS never get nerfed harshly…

Like Whut? I could now bring the same stuff as Mercys like to bring, “we where able to rezz 5 players now only 1 BIG NERF”

Genji was able to have a blade longer than trans, HUGE NERF
Tripple jump removed, HUGE NERF
Animation cancel removed, Huge Nerf

But sure it’s just a slap on the wrist.

Tracer didn’t got a Nerf, but she was absolutely deleted by Brig’s launch.
Sure just a “Slap on the wrist with a 500KG Sledgehammer”

Sym got litteraly reworked 2 times or even more (lost count)
Just a soft slap on the wrist.

Bastion Lost IronClad, which basically Pushed him from “Strong” back to “Trash bin”
“Just a Slap on the wrist not even worth mentioning as a nerf its so minor”

“This player shows that they can look over the boarder of they’r Role”
(Just assuming you’re a support main, based on the picture)
All Roles are affected by this and all roles should be balanced.

I litteraly cannot speak for Tanks as this role is way to complicated for my mind.
But I know that people often look at 1 DPS hero in a vacuum, and if this hero isn’t dumpstered, then the Whole Role suddenly seems to be broken beyond imagination.
And to be fair, lot of ppl (probably myself included) do the same thing for the other roles.
When i say Tanks are OP, I’m not talking about the Weak ones, but its much better if its mentioned.

Very good written. Props

And no Squirtle, I’m not “hating” on you.

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there’s a reason sustain healing is meta and has been since brig came out. I think this isn’t to appease damage players, more to appease high ranked who with team coordination make it very easy for nothing to die requiring burst damage. also with the amount of antidive added to the game (most new heroes have powerful cc abilities like halt, all of brigs kit, doom, etc) the supports have inadvertently been buffed in that aspect because killing healers first (dives best proponent) has been nerfed to hell (as you can see in top meta and owl) im a masters player so these changes help me but I can see where your coming from. Regardless try to take in that since the strategy of killing the healers decreases you have decrease the value of pure healing. that’s the take home


As a support player I do personally believe that the healing nerfs are necessary for the health of the game.


You know whats funny tho? Tanks mainly but it also affects supps… unlike dps they have to combine 2 that actually work together cant have a hog zarya or brig zen in the same comp vs a regular comp… not only they have limited heros they have to have them synergize hence why even if rein gets gutted like the rest (rip sigma) the tank player has to suck it up ( like always) and play a hero thats not optimize like the dps heros.


The Synergies are a big problem imho holding the tanks back.
if you want to buff a specific combination, you always gonna buff the synergy between the Tank buddys. Which won’t help the combination you wanted to achieve.

But DPS can imho also not fit, Yeah like if you have 0 dive heroes, and only close range heal, a Tracer Genji dps duo, won’t really help the team, unless the team doesn’t need DPS supporting them in a brawl, and they are fine if they get picks on a flank without support from the healers.

So i would agree that tanks have the biggest problems (in high ranks) down in Plat, it doesn’t really matter that much what comp you play. As long as you kinda fulfill you’r role.

But as said, i think The Synergies are a big problem especially in top ranks.

It’s not so easy, DPS are imho easier to balance, as you won’t have Big insane combos with only 2 DPS heroes.
(Sure there are some, but its more a Combination with a deadly ult (Rip tire, Pulsebomb, Blade, etc.) and a enabler ult, Blizzard, EMP, etc.

But it doesn’t matter with which hero you pair with your Sombra/Mei

On the Tank side, it matters more what the pair is. since it’s not just ult combos, it’s Teamfight Partners.
Agree on this one


Agree, but to me synergies affect all ranks to a certain degree. I would say from gold up synergies affect it the more than silver down. Ive seen and played in gold and a team with hog/zarya on attack will almost always lose to a rein/zarya or dva.

Brig was healing about as much as Ana (you can check OW stats for this, or notice pre-patch Brig often had gold healing with an Ana on the team) if not more while having strong utility on top of that (an easy to land stun and a boop) AND an ultimate that is almost that of an off-support (for example nano-blading through Rally can be very hard and u could need to slash 3-4 times through 1 target).

Her armor also enabled DPS duels too hard, for example McCree vs Hanzo, the McCree with armor required 3 bodyshots, a bodyshot and a headshot or FIVE storm arrows to be killed. That’s vs the 3 bodyshots that the Hanzo died to. It simply swings DPS duels too hard.

She also have an effective 450 HP in duels close range, 200 of that regenerates and the other can get healed as long as you keep meleeing. Her head is also not as big as Brig lovers would claim (check that screenshot that gets posted often for reference iirc she has same head size of Tracer). By far the most survivable support.

The nerf was totally deserved.

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Ive also had moments where lucio has healed more than ana we all have just because sometimes the ana is dying more than the brig doesnt mean brig has overall more healing potencial than an ana.


You mean WHEN she is picked, right?
Because her pickrate its like a fourth of Ana’s, so everything you just threw after its pointless. She is a VERY situational healer and nowhere near as versatile or powerful as Ana.

Another pointless statement, since she has NO MOBILITY to get into close range.
Any hero, literally any hero, with more than melee range can obliterate her before she can get into range.

Not really, but I can tell you something that is not deserved:
Blizzard keeping the nerfs from the GOATS era when you can only play 222 now.

Shield Bash should either have shorter CD or have its damage and capabilities of going through shields NOW.


pre-patch, all that Brig needed was a Rein and you were golden. An easy card to Top 500 literally. Only 2-3 maps in the game where she didn’t shine, like Havana or Oasis City Center.

As long as you keep swinging, you keep your tanks alive without any aim required. The AoE is quite huge, too. Ana is more of a glass cannon. She is powerful but she gets shut down by Dva or Dive for example.

…right, whereas Zen, Ana, Moira have massive mobility.

Almost like the Support class is designed to be a bit weaker in terms of offensive utility by design.

another pointless statement, health pack rooms exist, corners exist, tanks shielding you exist. It’s a 6v6 game. If you think about 1v1s go ahead and abuse Widowmaker or something she’s the best 1v1 hero in the game I’m sure you will be top 10 in no time.

you mean like the Rein steadfast BUFF? Or the armor REVERT? Or the Dva BUFF? Or the Zarya partial revert? Plenty of DPS choices got nerfed also. Stop crying you’re cherry picking and selecting evidence.

that would make the character monstrously OP, not skill based at all and a must pick. Keep dreaming I’m 100% sure it will never happen. I think there is a small chance in the future Brig might get a buff if there is a reason for it but what you talk is way above the bar of what’s reasonable.

The problem with this line of reasoning is that Burst heroes will always be more useful than sustain heroes, because there is almost no time to react. They will always have the advantage.

Its ok for healers to not be able to heal through damage (outside of ults in my opinion but i might be biased), but to eliminate the need for burst heroes they should nerf them to have more weaknesses.
Say Widow had one shot capability, no matter where she shoots you, but every time she shoots scoped she has to reload, that would make soldier a waay better option, even though widow has a higher damage.

(not saying that should be the case, but trying to illustrate my point)


I think they are nerfing healing to try and make eliminations more frequent to make OWL more exciting.

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OP, just accept it - that’s kind of balance best players want. They already are doing fine, so they don’t need tanks or supports to operate.

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