Proof priority passes do nothing

Look at the queue times it will say something like regular queue < 10 minutes. Priority pass queue < 3 minutes. Never ever has it actually got in me in a game in the priority pass estimated time. It is always the regular queue time even if I’m using a pass. This is because when passes are so easily obtained they become worthless. If everyone is boosted to the front of the line, no one is boosted to the front of the line.

How about blizzard actually do ONE thing that encourages players to improve at the game. Only reward passes for wins. But you wont do that because blizzards motto is everybody wins and you want the bad players to feel like they’re winning.


I suggested the ability to use multiple passes

Rewards tank mains & encourages more flexing to be able to use more passes for faster queues.

And if people have more reason to get multiple passes, they have more reason to flex and then we have more people using the flex system for a net reduction in global queue times

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I mean, with flex queue I get 20-30 seconds queues which I never would’ve gotten even queing up for all three roles before, you gotta see the bigger picture, in which even if you think they do don’t do anything, other people do, and those people will decrease your queue times greatly, which in the end I think is better than no flex queue and priority pass.

I am seeing the bigger picture. Flex queue is the only thing that’s helping queue times. Period. Passes are completely pointless. Either get rid of the passes or make them actually useful.

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I am saying that it it’s an incentive to flex(regardless of it’s effect it feels good to receive), it’s a shiny prize that overall convinces more people to flex. It’s the same reason why some people might queue up roles that give money or lootboxes even though they might have max credits, the same reason why people might use flex queue even if they have a full amount of priority passes. It feels good and is an incentive to actually flex which overall is the actual reward.
Guarantee you more people flex because of passes regardless if passes do anything or not

I was worried about the pass system for that very reason. Tanks just aren’t that much fun to play. They can be but to stop the double barrier meta, they’ve received so many nerfs. I wish Bliz would try 1-3-2 again.

i have disliked the concept of the priority pass since it was announced. you just gave more hoops to jump through for another line