🤔 Problem with Emongg Role Queue

Great, a cynic :slight_smile:

Can you see if you can poke any holes in this idea. I’ve been trying to fix any weaknesses on it.

🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

i wanted role queue for ages. i suggested/seen many of those options many times already, at some point you just get tired and want to see the developer actually do something.

Well, in Jeff’s recent Emongg interview Jeff did say he likes 2Flex instead of 2DPS for 2-2-2 on LFG.

I figure having a ?-2-2 queue would give the vast majority of what people are looking for with LFG, without all the hassle.

And for everything else there’s the normal 6Flex queue, or LFG. Or having 4 players in ?-2-2 queue vote to unlock roles.

There are a few different types of role switches I typically see.

The first is where someone snaps up a role from another person, usually in between rounds, without any communication or plan. This is soft throwing at the very least. Like for example a DPS player decides to just instalock Reinhardt after an attack round even if the Rein player was previously doing perfectly fine.

The second, and one that I have legitimately not seen in months, is where a player from another role has someone in their hero pool that fills a hole in the existing hero pool of the people currently in that second role. But even then that’s not a clean swap. Say a DPS player and a main tank player swap roles because the main tank player can play Widow to contend with theirs. What DPS was the DPS player playing beforehand and how is their main tank compared to the person who is swapping off? It often doesn’t have the intended effect because it discombobulates the comp more than it solves the perceived issue.

A lot of people say that this is a bad idea in case your lone hitscan player is locked behind a different role that they can’t swap off of. Maybe it is an Elo thing, but idk, I personally think that if you can’t play at least one hitscan hero (or at the very least a competent Hanzo) for when the situation calls for it you shouldn’t really be playing DPS. A lot of people are stuck where they are because they’re inflexible to the point where the best comp they can muster up against a Widow or Pharah is Junkrat/Reaper.

I mean, probably the most common reason people buy smurf accounts is because they know they can’t play a specific role at their SR. Doing this would cut down on smurfing since there’s no reason to hop onto a different account.

Not to mention, assuming you’re role locked to what you queue for, a T500 Widow isn’t exactly going to be constantly oneshot trickshotting people when they’re locked into the tank or support role.

But what’s to stop a GM DPS player from soft throwing on healers down to Bronze?

What’s the point if they’re not allowed to play DPS?

Because it would only affect their healer SR and they’d only be able to play healers at that rank?

I’m not sure climbing on a role where the fraggiest hero you can possibly play is Zen is anyone’s idea of fun.

3 separate SR’s making things really complicated.
Game would want you to play that role the whole game to gauge the actual SR.

The only thing role queue solves is your ability to team build YOUR team and play the hero YOU want without having to compromise with your TEAM in a TEAM game.

AKA, just make your own team if you don’t trust the match maker. He’s a streamer and I doubt would struggle to find friends.