Prediction for Next Experimental Card

It’s been absolutely ages since we have seen positive changes to tanks that make them feel much better than they have since the DPS power creep we have been reintroducting.

The next experimental card will be:
-Nerfs to shields so tanks feel more inclined to use their damage.
-Nerf to Off-Tanks so they have less health
-Buff to all DPS so they tear thru armor 2x as fast
-Nerf to supports so heals curve to the DPS on a team
-and lastly tanks all move slower so they can’t punish DPS that get out of position.

The supports are next to be sent to balance hell


I bet Moira will get nerfed again.


wouldn’t surprise me AT ALL

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Here’s also what’s been said:

(About Moira ofc)

I’m sure they will bring it back again later when more DPS complain

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Lol if this actually was the next card I’d quit and not look back

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Ha ha ha… you got me! I was with you on the barrier nerfs because I hate them with a passion, and then I realized you were being facetious.

But… barrier nerfs, please.

Depends on which hero is viable in OWL I guess.
They will get nerfed.

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some people still think they balance ow for ladder :rofl:


Well, they could just take the easy route.

  1. Discord bypasses barriers
  2. Buff barriers on Orisa/Sigma to Rein tier
  3. Having two of Rein/Orisa/Sigma causes the barrier regen/cooldown to be 40% slower.

I would call them fools.

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i hear paladins has servers running…
perhaps they’ll have competent devs on balance.

at this point i’m just sure devs don’t like half the heroes or like CONSTANT meta changes no matter how broken.

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Hope the barrier changes have some changes for D.Va aswell, im tired of her being F tier on ladder.

or if zen can’t bypass it, at least let him discord the barrier.
or make bastion have no spread in recon, but 10% less damage against not barriers.
or give symm cleave again.
there’s a lotta ways they could take and they take NONE of em.

That does not fix double barrier, it just makes it slightly less egregious.

Lol, give Symm beam cleave on everything besides Mei walls.

Including enemy players.

Would it help if they threw in a 20% headshot resistance for Tanks?

Maybe make Roadhog selfheal into an AOE cleanse against bionade :stuck_out_tongue:

They dont have devs on balance, they have the community on balance. But seeing as to how I’m a gm in paladins and can’t play 2 games without a hacker, I probably won’t be playing that either.

Give sym an arm cannon that pierces walls like dragon strike :smiling_imp:

More Moira nerfs. Likely nerfs to Echo and Doom as well.

Definitely not anything tank related.

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