Potential Sombra buffs

So as a Sombra main, i have quite a few counters, and that’s fine. Without proper counters, Sombra would be overpowered, and i wouldn’t want to see her go. I feel like Sombra is one of those characters, where she’s either bad comparing her to the other characters, or she’s op when giving too strong buffs.

However, i feel like Sombra needs a small buff to make her a more reliable and more valuable pick on ladder, without making her broken or more suppressive to play against. These buffs should be taken as individual buffs and not a pack of buffs but a single one out of these.

  • Increase casual walkspeed out of invisiblity slightly.
    – This makes it so that Sombra can approach her target a little faster during team fights, giving her a potential more second to work with, to set her team up for victory.

  • Decreased Emp cast time
    – Now what i mean, is that when using Emp, it ults faster. This should of course only be minimal changes to her Emp, to not make it broken. Just a very slight increase in time doing Emp. As an example.
    – Emp cast time from 0.35 to 0.30

  • Sombra has to take a unique amount of damage to break invisability.
    – This makes it so that Sombra doesn’t just randomly get broken out of invisibility from a random bullet sent across the map, or a character doesn’t jsut randomly shoot to every side and by luck hits Sombra randomly. The damage will hurt Sombra, but invisiblity won’t break unless 35 -50 damage is inflicted upon her.

  • 25+ hp (225 hp)
    –This is just for more survivability for Sombra, similar to Mccree.

Either of these buffs would make Sombra a more viable character on ladder, and overall feel better playing, without making her broken or overpowered. Do you guys agree with one of these buffs, and if not, what would you give her instead?

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In all honesty I hate playing against Sombra, I do however agree she needs a slight buff, I’m 100% with you on the EMP cast time, and the increase to HP, I feel these would be a huge QoL and bring more diversity to current play style.

I am however against increasing her casual walk speed, and damage needed to break invisibility, as it is already incredibly powerful based on positioning.

As for suggesting something to help her overall, I personally wouldn’t be against her weapon having slightly less spread, and this overall would be a massive buff.

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I like the less spread on the gun. But i do see some issues in it.

Sorry this part of the forum is for whining and crying that your SR is completely wrong and how you deserve to be 5000 SR.

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