Meteor Strike increased to 6m radius, 400hp damage at centre (from 5m, 300hp) Decaying shields increased to 35hp per person hit, 200hp max (from 30hp, 150hp max)Doomfist is almost there in terms of viability. These suggested changes are meant to increase his survivability a little, as well as improving slightly the weakest ultimate in the game
Damage falloff is changed to 70-40hp (from 70-21hp) Combat roll gains an extra charge, 6 seconds per chargeWhilst a midrange hitscan, McCree currently cannot effectively counter the likes of Pharah and Moira, as his damage falloff is a bit too severe currently. Additionally, his only movement/self-sustain ability (something all bar Orisa have) only travels 6m and has an 8 second cooldown. By adding an extra charge and taking 2 seconds off the cooldown, he now has much needed mobility, and can use said mobility in multiple different situations, instead of just using it as a reload button.
Damage per pellet increased to 15-5 (from 7-2) Number of pellets per shot reduced to 10 (from 20)(Not covered but needs doing - Shadow Step rework)
This small change is to make Reaper stronger against armor, something essential in this current meta. The total potential damage against enemies without armor only increases by 10hp (150 damage, up from 140), but by making each individual pellet do more than 10hp damage, and thus qualifying for the -5hp rule, the damage done against armored enemies increases from 70hp to 100hp. Reaper is now able to tank bust as much as he would like without fear.
Sombra oh boi here we go
Hack is slowed to 0.75 seconds cast time (from 0.65s) 0.1 second LoS check is reinstated to hack 15hp damage threshold is added to hack Penalty cooldown for damage interrupted hack is increased to 4 seconds (from 2) Hack no longer turns off Lucio's aura, though wallride is still stopped Healthpack ult charge is reinstated at a rate of 1 point of charge per 2hp healed Hacked enemies have a candy purple sugar skull above their heads for the duration of the hack Thermoptic Camo is moved onto a resource meter. 4 seconds for full duration, 1 second cooldown if used but not fully drained, 6 second cooldown if fully drained, drains at double speed if damaged during use, with a small flicker for a couple of frames. EMP now costs 1600 charge (up from 1250)Hack is a very unreliable ability currently. The proposed changes to hack slow it down a little in return for the reliability to no longer be an issue, and remove an interaction that is considered by most to be unfair. Ult charge from healing is reinstated, but the reduced charge earned, coupled with the ult charge required increase, means that using a megapack now only results in just under 8% charge gained. A welcome gain, but not enough to bring back the EMP-bot style of play. Moving Camo onto a resource bar is intended to streamline the use of invisibility, and provide Sombra with a new sense of freedom of movement, something she currently does not have as a result of just having the standard 5.5m/s movement speed
Critbox size is greatly reduced Reload time is reduced to 1.5 seconds (from 2s) Armor scrap is now also earned whenever Torb gets a kill (15 scrap each). Scrap recovered from fallen bodies is reduced to 5 scrap each (from 15) Unlimited ammo during Molten CoreIt is common knowledge that Torb’s critbox is obscenely large, and of course I’ve addressed that. However, unlike many Torb suggestions, I have not gone full sail with the rest of the changes. I firmly believe that his gun is strong and underrated, so all I’ve done is optimised his kit, and largely removed the hide and seek part of armor scrap collection, meaning he doesn’t have to go into dangerous areas needlessly.
Defense Matrix resource is increased to 3 seconds (from 2s) Defense Matrix and Micro Missiles are now mutually exclusive, if one is attempted to be used whilst the other is in use, MM will take precedent as the uncancelable ability Self-Destruct ult charge is increased to 1500 (from 1375)These changes return D.Va to a tankier setup, without removing any of her potential DPS. What they do however do, is force the D.Va player to choose between the 2 on the fly. Furthermore, by removing a common way to take down his turret (D.Va DM’ing it whilst using her MM), this is an indirect buff to Torb. Her ult comes up slightly less often as well, since that had been a common complaint about her
(note: these changes are in addition to those already on the PTR) Biotic Nade can now be "cooked". The range of the AoE is halved as a result, but Ana can now use it without fear of Defense Matrix or Deflect.New Passive: Ledge Climb. Acts similarly to the Shimada Wall Climb, but only usable when a single jump can bring Ana to a height where she can grasp onto a ledge to pull herself up. For example, it can be used on all the outer buildings on Route 66 B, but not on the building in the middle from the ground to the top.
Earlier this week when asked about Ana, Geoff Goodman noted that keeping weaknesses as part of a hero’s kit is important, but that if their weaknesses are overbearing they will buff them a bit. These changes take that statement into account, and only give a minor buff to both Ana’s self sustain and mobility. Now her sole self-sustain cannot be eaten if used cautiously by Ana, and whilst she would have some mobility with these changes, it is only vertical mobility, and limited by height. I shall quote his full comment below so that you can read it, and in the faint hope that he reads this thread
(Note: these changes are in addition to those currently on the PTR) Shield health reduced to 400hp (from 600) Bonus Armor from Repair Pack lasts 4 seconds (down from 5s) Shield Bash v Charge = double stun draw Shield Bash v Rocket Punch = double stun drawBrigitte is very overbearing currently. Instead of handing her a big nerf on 1 ability though, I propose minor nerfs on multiple abilities. The reduction in shield health makes the PTR Shield Bash 1 second cooldown increase fine instead of increasing it to 8 or 9 seconds. Shaving 1 second off the duration of the extra armor means it is up a maximum of 66% of the time instead of over 80%, and by creating a rule that all movement stun v movement stun abilities result in a double stun draw, you indirectly buff Reinhardt.
Ult charge gained from healing is reduced to 80% current amount Ult charge gained from damage is reduced to 75% current amountWhilst the ult charge required for Coalescence is very high, she still charges it very quickly, and its only limitations are that it’s interruptible like Sound Barrier, and that like Transcendence it can’t stop mass burst damage. By slightly reducing the ult charge gained from healing/damage, the issues of it coming up too quickly are removed.
I’m not going to tackle the issue of Mercy, because I don’t want your thread to end up in the megabin.