Possible Leak. New competetive mode?

Information about our sad boy Bastion? :frowning:


as for the mercyfug, this is not a bastion topic.
My 2 cents is that bastion is going to be the next rework target, as they did mention that someone else is getting reworked and he’s the only hero they are not looking at. Kinda like what they did with sym and torb.

Wow how creative…

Kojeun is right it is polish. Also wow Dev replied to my thread, I feel belssed.

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Good to know. Kinda makes posting a screenshot pointless tho.

I think it’s Castillo


Mercy is 100% relevant to this discussion. Instead of making our base roster of heroes we all play in every game mode more fun we are just getting yet another competitive mode when we have so many.

But people should respect us Mercy mains who fight to make this game better! We are here fighting to improve this game and spread love and joy! Truly!

Because we stand up for what we believe in, don’t give up and accept the unjust treatment and provide mathematical facts and figures and statistics for what we post.

I post math, I post statistics, I use every resource we have including past meta snapshots to show she’s not in a good spot. So many of us have proven Mercy needs more attention than yet another competitive game mode

Either way I’m not going to apologize for bringing up relevant discussion about how we are getting yet another competitive game mode when we already have so many competitive game modes and we really need to have a better hero roster to make ALL current game modes fun.

Mercy has been proven that she needs some love and attention and I think she deserves a rework at this point.

No, it’s because a lot of us are embarrassing.


Agreed, looks like that tower in the middle.


Where’s the maths in 4v4 T DM = Mercy?

I can respect your intentions, but as professor Oak would say

There is a time and a place for everything, just not now.


Why not make it 6v6? I much rather play 6v6 team deathmatch than any 2CP map. Maybe reworking every 2CP map into a 6v6 team deathmatch map is the salvation we all been waiting for!

20 characters

Most of elimination maps are rather small and 6v6 feels cramped. But I could see deathmatch added to gamemode pool. It could be nice change of pace.

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Leak official! Leak official!


Yeah I agree, that’s why I suggest the reworking of maps to make 6v6 feel good.

Sorry turns out it was clickbait all along. We were told it gonna be a thing but not many people catched up.

It looks more like the mexican tdm map, forget the name right now

Most maps don’t fit that mode really… We would need new specialy tailored maps.

no way this is real
i want it to be real and ive wanted it for forever so its definitely not real because im super unlucky

TCDM BABY :100: :100: :100: :100:

Man as nice as that is Mercy is still a problem. I dont think the buffs will work since we already had valk with 60hps. Can we get a rework that wasnt a throw away ult from beta?