Possible "Armor Creep"

Ever since the introduction to Brigitte we have seen more armor on heroes. Given there was always armor from Torbjörn, but unlike Brigitte Torbjörn had to earn the armor he gave til they changed it so he gains passive scrap. I liked the idea at first, however it starting to become a real pain. Armor’s purpose is to provide superior protection against all attacks, but with limit mobility due to it’s weight. I currently think the speed values of tanks is quite good, I feel Zarya should have more movement (opinion). This is why blizzard gave tanks with armor values a “mobility” ability to keep up with other heroes. I just feel that blizzard should rethink allowing armor on non-tank heroes.

My experiences with dealing with: Pharahs, Hanzos, Genjis, and Tracers (etc) that sometimes possess 75-100+ armor on top of existing health values with “full mobility”. The trades are usually Bad.

With Torbjörn’s rework in progress I feel this should be throw into the mix with maybe dealing with what I refer to as armor creep. Yes, Brigitte should be hit too, I just don’t know how since her kit has 2 abilities that supply armor.

I had that idea of lowering mobility for those supplied with armor, but the IDEA is just so BAD. So I kinda want to throw that on the Junk pile ahead of your replies.

Brigitte is the second least picked Support and Torb is THE least picked hero. You do know that right?

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@ Fritz
You know not everyone has there profile set as public so the numbers that statistics’ site are receiving could be wrong. Competitive numbers are mostly likely right. Most people just play QP for fun and profiles are most likely private so there is a lot of missing data.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up removing Armor packs from Torb with the rework anyway… :frowning:

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Bastion with Brigitte and torb armor + unorganized team…

The horror…the horror…

I would have agreed if this was back when Brig’s ult handed out 150 armor. That has been nerfed for a while, as has my idea of armor creep.

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My stats were on some sites even while my profile was on private so…

One possible work around would be that the “Given” armor shouldn’t give you additional hp but should overwrite existing.
I would personalty like a change like that.
Save the over Maximum Hit points for overheal and certain shield-like abilities.