Portrait removal rumors?

I heard on the internetz and U-Tube that they are considering removing portraits from the game finally? LIke, no more player level?

If this is true. Thank you.

Ya it’s true. Jeff Kaplan talked about it.

Part of me is sad because I’m proud of my plat border, but part of me will be glad about not getting the “plat border and still in silver” nonsense.


Im happy. Because I get annoyed by the attention it draws.

It would be NICE if we had a generic way to turn on/off the portrait. Such as using the CLASSIC BLUE, from BETA days. As a DEFAULT.

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Wonder what the new system will be, maybe special weapon/hero skins you get if you play a certain hero for long enough?
I dont know why they’d remove hero portraits just to replace them with a different looking profile mechanic lol

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I kinda wish there would be special Hero Boarders you could earn and upgrade by getting achievements, like If you play 10 Hours on “x Hero” you get a border that is related to it’s design, then it would be upgraded at 20 Hours, 50 Hours, 100 Hours, 500 Hours and finally 1000 Hours ? That would be some actually huge prestige


I’m sad about it. I’m 26 levels from a gold border and I am proud of the time I’ve dumped into this game to still be trash. I want my gold border.


Im at 1,600 hours. I play very casual most of the time lol. Somedays I go “hardcore”. But yeah, I mainly play for fun. Too many people take the game so serious and expect to be carried by the"purdY’ Silver , Gold and Platinum portrait players. :upside_down_face:

The borders work well in our current tab screen. If they’re moving toward a different system, then it might be like Apex/Valorant’s customizable banner type. It’s a good way for paid cosmetics to enter the game. But that can’t be used in the tab screen we have so that might be changed too.

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They never said it would be going away, just changing.

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As a 1300hr Mercy main, I would love love love a special Mercy portrait or something for having 1000+ hrs on her. I know alot of others with over 1000+ hrs on a character and it would be much more telling of someones way of playing to reward you with a special hero mastery gift, rather than a regular level portrait🤷‍♀️

I’m thinking it’ll look like this, or at least similar to the gameplay we saw last Blizzcon.


Most likely, they seem to have plans to remove the current system and change it to something else, but we don’t know if the concept of showcasing our levels will disappear. I know the main thing people want is to avoid their levels being seen to not be either harassed as a high level or a smurf, but no idea what’ll come to OW2.

You can keep the gold border. They talk about the changeable portrait by own choice. I’m firmly believe, that gold border will be locked if hasnt reached the required level yet.

I would love a way to customize a banner for Heroes ! That would be actually dope !

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I want a border with tiger stripes.