Popular forum misconception (or demagogy?) #1 (QOL)

The developers gave a wonderful expression of QOL (Quality Of Life) changes. It’s funny that relatively recently on my list of buffs for Reaper (Reaper is fine), someone told me that it is better to change buffs to QOL CHANGES, so as not to anger people and win them over.

So that’s it. At the moment, there is an absolute misunderstanding that the QOL change can be called ANYTHING, which improves the character and even worsens .

Let’s look at the example of the latest update.


Biotic Grenade

  • Projectile now passes through allies with full health

What does the average person see (or prefer?) - now RoadHogs that appear outside of my review will block my Nade much less often.

What really happens is that you can throw Nade at enemies IN MUCH BIG SITUATIONS, ONE OF THE MAIN INTERFERENCE IS REMOVED. And this despite the fact that this is often the ONLY obstacle.
Only this ability is still quiet for a long time, and it is somewhat problematic to notice it in some situations (of which there will be more)


Storm Arrows

  • Can now be manually canceled

But it really looks like a QOL change. Only the problem is that QOL changes are not very useful for the characters themselves AND ALWAYS SHOULD NOT MAKE A SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCE ON THE POWER OF THE CHARACTER.

Otherwise, you just create a synonym for the word “buff”, which is much more convenient for promoting your views.

What QOL changes are missing?

If your Teleport / Turret is destroyed due to a card (not payload), then its CD becomes 0 or decreases by 2 times. This game is full of places where characters get stuck or objects are destroyed.

I would also like to note that the developers described this update as:

But why should we notice the phrase that this update is related not only to the QOL change? This is inconvenient for promoting your views!

as far as im concerned, qol just means buff/nerf that is noticeably more fun for the player using the character.

I would recommend forgetting this word. Your FUN means UNFUN for others, only when it comes to Doomfist, you need to do something with that with UNFUN vs him, but when Ana does UNFUN for RoadHog, everything is fine.

Convenience without radical change hero power = Qol Change. Like fix solider screen shake

I’d say that they are small things that make the experience more enjoyable and feel smoother, without changing fundamental things, like completely changing how an ability works or how much damage it does.

yeah thats probably a more exact definition

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Basically, a change to improve the quality of your life, usually by making something more convenient or making it require less effort.

Technically a buff, but is not meant to have a significant effect on the gameplay versus other players.

buffs arent always qol, but qol is almost always a buff, even if indirect.