This is in ranked that this is occurring. As far as I know, there aren’t restrictions in QP. It just requires a group.
The OP was talking about the matchmaker absent of pre-mades, I believe. My suggestion was to simulate what the matchmaker does but on a smaller scale with human assistance.
A small group of players that participant, creating a pool of players. 10 players selected to play a match. Human assistance in leveling team placement; or pick two leaders and allow them to pick players, knowing the SR of all.
The huge difference here, though, is that those involved generally have an interest in improving and helping others improve, so it’s a much more positive collaborative experience than what is generally found in a usual game of Overwatch online.
Enemy team have leaver. My team can’t even stop them 5 v 4. 0 chances. And no it was not consolation. And yeah dev just don’t care. Before it was consolation 0 chances. After it was consolation 0 chances. Lets devs play this with themselves .
It’s so frustrating being a support main and having NO IDEA how good you actually are because your DPS are walking into Widow headshots. Or having a tank that insists on playing Hog into DVA/Reaper/Ana. How are you supposed to carry that? It’s quite literally impossible to carry someone that refuses to be carried. But oh well! I guess my SR will just continue to fall.
Stop trying to carry them and you will be expected to carry them less. If you keep almost but not quite pulling them over the finish line all that tells the game is they made a good close match and it will continue giving you more of the same. Step aside and let someone else take the carry slot on the team. Or better yet take the thrower slot and block the actual throwers.
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Good advice, I think I need to do that more. I have ADHD, and I just cannot help myself I keep doing the same thing over and over. I know I can do better but I cant the game puts me on impossible to win games, and will try my best always… I know I have to chill and not try as much … But I cannot control it.
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If I was playing with the same 4 players, this would make sense. Unfortunately, it’s different players every game. If I were to “step aside” every time I have a sub-par teammate, I would lose even more games than I already am.
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This seems like a joke response lol ??
If my dps has triple digit dmg for 90% of a round, and my other dps is 1-10, I should NOT try to do more dmg? I should neglect win conditions of the game like OBJ contesting??
Or maybe, just maybe, the “poor little indie company” (/s) could fix their matchmaking <__<
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All they have to do is add a solo queue and you’ll see the Matchmaker improve instantly.
I’d be interested in a trial to see if that would be the case.
I have my doubts.
There are allot of aspects of the design of match making that are intentionally vague because it gives Blizzard cover to maintain it instead of addressing it. If the matches are being balanced on rough overall averages of mmr within the team, that alone is problematic. A diamond dps with a silver support doesnt equal 2 gold supports. Any amalgamation of possibilities that result in net "team average " mmr is going to feel like a mess. The issue persists because its difficult to discern what factor or factors is causing the most issue. Is it the matchmaker itself, is it rank not being representative of actual player skill, is it players making accounts to play in lobbies they dont belong in or all of the above? The current state of things is a compounding issue of various problems being neglected for a long period of time.
This…… so much this…… the current system isn’t it.
Where’s that clip of Gavin describing poor match quality at season end?
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You know what solves this? Stats. Like stats on stats on stats.
Stats on the matchmaker, more meaningful stats on players… stats here … stats there.
Then when the dust settles you can hopefully recreate a “bad match” or a “good match”. Right now stuff just happens and they are playing discover and catch up.
It’s more reactive than proactive. They don’t understand their own game.
I agree with you, having a more comprehensive scope of metrics to determine rank and player skill would be a positive step. Currently every aspect of rank is informed by a single point of data and thats wins/losses.
Where we disagree is that Blizzard doesnt comprehend the failure of their system or the steps they could take to address it. I think its far more plausible that they are entire aware but are making the decision to leave the system as is. The reason for this could be a few different possibilities. The system seems clearly designed to prioritize que times over all else. This maintains engagement, which in turn in theory promotes spending. The other possibility is the amount of time and developer resources to overhaul the system to actually work as intended is not viewed as financially beneficial. Sure it makes people mad, but if they keep playing and spending money on skins, its irrelevant to the bottom line. If a quarter of the playerbase dropped the game, that would warrant a response, but the gradual loss of small numbers is less concerning to them.
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no one’s spending money on a trash game with bad matchmaking
its funny people come up with all these theories why the matchmaking is bad, like the queue times being low etc
maybe the people at blizzard are just terrible at their job? look at the flop that was Diablo 4
name a good game they made in the last decade
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Im not defending them. I completely agree that the idea that customers are going to spend money in a game that feels awful to play seems like nonsense. The state of things with match quality is actively harming their game and they need to figure it out sooner rather than later if they want to sustain a playerbase.
Unironically… Overwatch.
You don’t last for 7+ years, with a decent sized player base if the game at its core isn’t good.
Gripes aside, these forum complainers wouldn’t play the game if it wasn’t good. And they wouldn’t be creating conspiracies if they didn’t care about it.