Poll: What's your favorite Overwatch map?

King’s Row is the only map that feels pretty much equally good regardless of side. There are others that come close, like Dorado, and Anubis to an extent, but none get so close as King’s Row. Horizon Lunar Colony is the worst.

Junkertown comes kinda close, I like it more than a lot of people do, but that’s more due to it’s diverse sections, different parts of the map feel like they reward very different strategies.


Kings row has just a great atmosphere and is one of the few maps that’s at night which I really like, it also promotes different team comps


Mine will always be kings row, plz make more maps like kings row, and great job on the forums, for the record I I don’t just constantly criticize, I do acknowledge great effort but also criticize and complain about things or views wrong with the game.

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Hanamura!!! Those cherry blossom trees make me happy:)


if you ask me, i’d say looks-whise Oasis has a great visual Design.

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Hanamura is my favorite. What a gorgeous map. Night time version when?

A lot of maps in this game are nice, actually. The only ones I don’t like are Anubis, Horizon, and Junkertown.


Kings row imo. A nice balance of capture the point/escort with a lot of possible ways to avoid uncomfortable chokes during the streets phase.


Junkertown because it reminds me of Borderlands and TF2.

better ask for a favorite game mode and a favorite map on that game mode

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Overall, it’s King’s Row. It’s probably the most consistent in terms of having good, fun matches too.

As for the rest?

Escort - Dorado
Assault - Volskaya
Control - Ilios


I like all of the maps but Oasis. It’ bland, visually and game play wise. I guess I don’t like how circular it is? Not sure… but I don’t care for it much. I also don’t like Control - Illios but it’s pretty so it gets a pass.

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Personally it looks like people like maps that Rein is good at…sans Ilios.

I would love to see a second poll asking for least favored map. I think that would be quite interesting to compare.


Why is Hanamura so high up on the list. And why is Horizon not last


Anything with an overdose of enviro kills isn’t fun to play. I’m looking at you Illios

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Because… It’s Horizon! It’s written in LAW that liking Horizon is just wrong.


King’s Row my favorite map for sure. I don’t like Assault map games, but if a choose one i pick Hanamura just for the lore an the animated short Dragons. As a Escort map i pick Route 66 and for control Lijiang Tower.


Honestly all of the 2 CP maps are terrible, basically a game of who can defend better leading to long drawn out and boring matches. Especially when you have to watch them.


Eichenwalde or I throw

Also, Blizzard World is Murloc poop

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I had no idea so many people liked King’s Row. Not crazy about that map, but I am one of the evidently few that likes Hollywood a whole lot.