Poll: What's your favorite Overwatch map?

I have to say Eichenwalde. Mostly because the map is very clear and it’s easy to coordinate. The map design is beautiful though and as a German person I think it’s very authentic (the first point at least).

Wow, I’m surpriced that Kings row got so many votes.

For me Kings row is the best because not only perfect amount of choke/passages
but also because the map is beautiful. You wanna live in that world.

Compare that to Lunar colony, god aweful, dystopian crap, I feel depressed when that map shows up. I also hate Illios…the one with the objective in the middle, just a long straight football field. boring boring boring.

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Yea I agree. There are some maps I hate!

But they need to figure out how to make it work so the queue don’t get absurd due to no one queue for the map you want.

Maybe we must pick 10 maps to our list of picks…that would work.
I don’t know why they want to force us to play maps we don’t like.
Some maps are so dystopian boring that you kinda lose interest so the game suffer from it.

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King’s Row is best for Sombra hackin’ mayhem. :slight_smile:

For me It is a toss up between Kings Row and Eichenwalde… Both have really great layouts and payload routes. Although I have to give a special commendation for Hanamura despite that it has a couple of really mean bottle neck spots, Its design is really interesting overall.

Huh, I never really thought about it before looking at the full list, but I don’t think there’s a single non-KOTH map that I’m excited to see when it pops up.

Any map that isn’t Horizon Lunar Colony or Blizzard World. My heart just SINKS when they pop up. I don’t LEAVE…but I so do not like dealing with them either.

I can’t believe it, I don’t like any in the general sense, the game is broken.

Again, this is a pretty smart way of Jeff to show you people like certain maps (and all people like different maps).

However, a MUCH more interesting topic would’ve been… What’s your most hated OW map…

And believe you me, I think the majority dislikes 3 maps in particular…

Everyone here is racist against omnics apparantly…blowing away their suburbs #1?!?


Im sorta surprised that not alot of people picked Horizon Lunar Colony just to throw.

I love Kings row, and the one i hate is Lijiang tower.
The sad part is out of over 200 qp matches I’ve gotten Kings 4 times and Lijiang 18 times :frowning:

we heard that will be overwatch 2 in 2019 any hint ? atleast will all hero get there is it’s true or it only be an expqntion for the same game ?!

My favorite is Watchpoint: Gibralter. One of the few maps where the layout changes enough there’s actually a reason to switch up heroes based on where the payload is.

But I stick to Reinhardt because the topography allows him to flank like mad and literally drop into the middle of the enemy team. Constantly.

I love pretty much all the KOTH maps. The payload and hybrid maps are pretty good too. Sad to see Numbani not get much love.

Also, I’d never play 2CP again. I can’t stand any of those maps. Especially not Hanamura. Feels like you need to team wipe three times before you can cap that last point with how ridiculously fast the respawns are.

This is really the only game I’ve ever played where I don’t dislike any of the maps. Blizzard World is my favorite just because of the awesome aesthetics, but I love that they are all designed well from a tactical standpoint.

Hanamura best map…

hmm. probably, for looks, junkertown or blizzard world. for playing on, either kings row or ilios

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Where is Rialto? That is my favorite. Didn’t really have a favorite before that one

This topic is several months old. Rialto wasn’t a thing when it was posted.

Speaking of which: I’m amazed how popular King’s Row seems to be. I wonder if it has something to do with a combination of:

A) Being a map where Dive doesn’t work as well.

B) This topic being made back when Dive dominated?

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