Poll: What's your favorite Overwatch map?

I love hanamura all the detail and sutelties I hope theirs a new Japanese map comming that’s a high brid or something

It was either King’s Row or Lijiang for me. I went for KR overall, but L is definitely #1 for KotH.

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Anyone agree I think a new Japanese map for teamdeath match.based on an old ninja or samurai training grounds

I really love King’s Row <3 Since the firts time I played It :smile:

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Choosing anything but King’s Row is blasphemous.

In my opinion you’re asking the wrong question.
Everyone that is like me and really likes hybrid maps automatically went for King’s Row because it’s the best of the bunch.
However I think Numbani is still a lot more enjoyable to play on than for example Lijang Tower.
It allows for so many different comps, from total Dive to a slow and steady approach to even an attack Torbjörn setting up his Turret on the high ground.
I would really like to see a poll where you can either rank all the maps from most to least favourite or one where you can vote for your favourite map type.

Edit: I saw a comment about Numbani being frustrating to play on because of the defenders spawn after capturing the first point.
Thats 100% true and I think King’s Row and Numbani need an additional spawn room on the defending side.
Other than that all hybrid maps are pretty much perfect.


Hahaha idk but it wasn’t me

I think Hanamura, little but diverse.

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I like Kings Row but I think that the Overwatch team did an outstanding job with Blizzard World. It has so much detail and I love it so much. Horizon isn’t that bad tho idk y everyone bags it. Just think about how much work has gone into each map. It’s really incredible

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Well, I’ll just say this because I don’t like only being able to pick one map ^-^:

  1. Blizzard World
  2. King’s Row
  3. Hanamura

Choosing between Blizzard world and King’s Row is pretty hard. Honestly, I feel they’re on the same level for me, personally. :3

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Blizzard world map is m fav. because I love riding the eagle on defense and amusement park in general. 2: watching giblaratar I get a lot of good games out of many of them close as games as well.

That happens to be my favourite map though. How is that throwing? Leave it to the Overwatch community to accuse people of throwing even when they have unpopular opinions.

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My thoughts exactly. Horizon Lunar Colony is my favourite map as well

I can agree with that statement

My favorite map is Temple of Anubis.

Why you may ask?
I’m a god widowmaker on that map, plus it’s very aesthetically pleasing to me.

Second favorite:
Horizon Lunar Colony

Why? I just like the map…

Hated maps:

Route 66
just a terrible payload route.

Blizzard World
terrible payload route for me

It’s quite interesting Idk why I don’t like it but I don’t.

Does anybody like the hybrid maps? It seems like those are the least liked and definitely the most frustrating to play on for me.

Horizon should be at the bottom. I cry everytime I see that map.

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It’s very nice for attack sym, but Eichenwalde is the best for attack sym. At the last point, you can place a teleport in the old defending spawn, or in the sword. Place a torb turret there to protect it and push the payload for a “carry teleporter”

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I’m seriously curious as to why King’s Row is THAT many peoples’ favorite map. I never really had a favorite map in this game because there were so many good ones – looks like I’m in the minority. There are a few maps I dislike, but none I dread like I do in virtually any other FPS I’ve ever played.


I’m in love with hanamura too!