Poll: What's your favorite Overwatch map?

Who picked volskaya lol

Hope they´re not doing that

My favorite map is Nepal but I like all the koth maps :slight_smile:

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THIS x100. This is why people don’t like numbani, if you take first point, 2nd and 3rd point are too easy to cap. Feels like a waste of time to play out the rest of the game. But the first point can also be incredibly oppressing and you make no progress and waste 4 minutes walking in and dying over and over again.

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I don’t care what people say the Horizon Lunar Conley is my favorite map.

Anything except Ilios

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I like Nepal, and my second is actually Lunar Colony ^_^; They’re 2 maps I never really get to be in often

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Lmao thats freaking awesome! XD I don’t like that map myself.

This does require a little more introspection than your average poll. It does tell you what people like (sans Horizon) not which they do not like. I for one chose 66, but I see why it isn’t higher up the results when you only have one option, many might choose King’s Row…cannibalizing this vote.

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King’s Row is definitely my favorite map!

:heart: You Jeff! :grin:

Do a favorite hero poll next! :smiley:

Oasis :palm_tree: and Numbani! :rhinoceros: more societies in which technology and humans coexist! (please, utopea and vishkar corporation :cityscape::diamonds: as the next map! :blush:)

I love King’s Row since it reminds me of my grandparents (idk why :3) but I love Anubis because I like the desert feel (and I main Sombra, so it’s a 2cp map)

I voted King’s Row too, but route66 is a great map also.

Probably better to survey top 3.


King’s row and all KOTH maps are the most enjoyable for me.

No, you are wrong, it should be rename temple of derank !!!

PLease rename Temple of Anubis to Temple of Derank!

Thanks daddy Jeff!!!

My top 5 are:

  • King’s Row
  • Lijiang Tower
  • Hollywood
  • Ilios
  • Oasis

I vote all of them

… except horizon lunar colony

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Kings row! <3 its definitely the best