POLL - Should Blizzard reveal how hidden MMR is calculated?

This is a nice post and all but it doesn’t really make up for an MMR system which is basically a black box.

Show me why you’ve altered my score.

You could also argue putting this game in place without any structure or rules in place guiding people to the playstyle the developers had envisioned was an incredibly short sighted decision.

No, bad teammates factor in. If they didn’t have bad teammates they wouldn’t be complaining. The assumption is with more rank comes better teammates, otherwise you’ll get (and you probably will) the same complaints higher up.

People want a fun game that doesn’t constantly produce low quality stomp matches, you want to feel like your skills are being tested. Often times it feels like your patience for dealing with your team is the true test.

but being the system is based around playing 100s of rounds it’s still not really an issue. Even if a player had used a full on paid boosting service to go from gold to GM it’s not like they will be able to stay in GM on their own game play.
As they fall back down they will course help play a hand in losing games for teams but all of those players will need to be playing 100s of games to get their true rank too.

So much like one cheat day doesn’t blow a years worth of dieting, it’s still not really a factor.
Players who are at a SR they don’t like after 100s of games and/or a few seasons worth of play have game play that matches up to their current SR. They just do.
This is backed up by countless VOD reviews that always show golds playing like a golds, masters like masters etc.

A lot of the match making factors players use as an excuse for being hard stuck for 5+ seasons is a row just don’t hold a lot of water. If one is stuck at a lower SR, they have glaring issues in their game play . If a player get stuck at a higher SR they just have not committed to the level of play needed to break into some of the high SR ranges.

like say masters to GM is asking to be top 3% to top sub 1% of the player base. A player can be very good at the game but that’s still a large hump to get over.

No game does this.

According to Seagull, back in beta, Competitive was 6-stacks only, but people wanted solo-queue. So a not-very-good concession was made.

Define: bad teammates.

This is a very slippery slope because bad teammates can mean a whole lot of different things, and some of these can actually be misperceptions of “bad”. You might say that one of your teammates is “bad”, but that teammate may say the same thing of you. Who’s correct? Are either of you even correct or is it just incompatibility?

This all goes back to the case of comp not being 6-stack only.

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Wheres my paycheck???

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Ignore him. He claims I’m somehow a Blizzard employee.

I see the matchmaker is still forcing you to be at the rank I said it would keep you at. You still haven’t budged on your opinion that the matchmaker isn’t the slightest bit rigged?

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No. Because revealing it will cause people to play solely for the SR instead of playing the game at hand. If you play the SR then it ceases to matter if you win or lose, you’ll rank up all the same.

Remember all the Mercy one-tricks who made it up to grand master because they played for the SR and not the game? Yeah. Revealing what goes into the hidden MMR will have that returning again.

That’s kinda like asking the IRS for all the formulas they use to determine how the economy is doing. With that info you can game the market regardless on how it’s actually performing.

I hit a new career high… and am a few hundred SR above the last time we spoke…

Nearly peaked in master for the first time aswell this season (3.1 last s.)

Guess we are just working for blizzard huh :man_shrugging:


its their choice. I dont really care

so people wouldnt abuse a possible loop hole

you have nothing other than anecdotal evidence from tilted players to back up any claims. you have not met your burden of proof.

because if they break down exactly how its calculated, people will 100% find a loop hole to abuse. no system is perfect.
just because your not GM does not mean that the system is unbalanced.

Not really

If they are bad they will drop. Plain and simple

I guess you like people thinking you suck when you’re good.

That’s hardly worth defending, I don’t know why you would.

I could not agree more!! Even when I lose, if it is back and forth game taking the effort of everyone involved, communication, laughing, and FUN the game is great!!! Did I lose… hell ya but had a blast doing it. Getting my face rocked or rocking face just is not fun.

He’s literally a GM Ana main. You’d have to be brain-dead to think he’s boosted.

It’s another useless discussion by the way, like season resets, and getting rid of the totally flawed reporting system. Overwatch is done, it’s been done for a long time now, and it’s not going to get better. You like what it is, and you play it, or you stop wasting your own time with the game and move on to play something better. OW is 3 years old, and it will have 2 more levels, and 2 more characters, and likely a GOATS comp for the OWL (though we’ll see) along with it’s still struggling esport scene.

Fans of what exist have the same thing to look forward to forever. Anyone who doesn’t, I just recommend, you know, stop hoping for different and play this game as the best and totally not to be taken seriously TF2 currently out there. If you like competition, then you need to find a game with competition where the better you do, the more fun you have.

Overwatch is the other way around, the lower rank you are, the more you enjoy the game. That’s crazy, but that’s the way it is.

I’m well over double your SR :thinking::thinking::thinking:

MMR really only affects people who are decayed. The closest people will benefit from any kind of bad play, is by farming stats. Something that will get them up to maybe low diamond, and then stats mean nothing and wins/SR spread are everything.

Lol! I never said I thought you suck. My point is, if you’re good, people should stop using excuses on you to tell you your bad. You know the kind, the ones out there saying that you don’t deserve your rank, it’s luck, etc. etc. Don’t think that I’m that guy (even though I think hiding the SR formula is really, really, and really stupid)

I’m saying there’s no reason it makes sense to give people another reason to say you’re bad when you aren’t. Hiding the SR system does that. On the decay thing…that’s another thread, isn’t it? I’m not a big fan of decay, but frankly, I don’t care about it either, since it doesn’t affect me.

But regardless, farming stats, it’s not really about that. It’s about this game has toxicity at all levels because people think they are better than they are, and that’s because so much is hidden from them. You aren’t even getting garbage from bronze and silvers like me, mostly. I seriously know less bronze and silver players combined who think they are secret diamond level players, than diamond and up players who think they are secret OWL material, and who just take a dump on anyone else, even players who are better than them.

While it can be played the way it is, it would be far better for players to have the formula public. On the other hand, OW, like I said is 3 years old. It’s not happening, and it’s out of reality to think it will.

they should reveal it in order to make it “exploitable” for everyone. That would restore a certain degree of fairness.

If you allow people to see how it is calculated then people will stat-pad the specific stats that are needed to climb and not focus on the others.

It would ruin the integrity of the system

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People are going to tell you that you suck regardless of your SR.

No, I am mentioning how decay is the only time MMR is truly relevant outside of what you see with SR

It has nothing to do with what is hidden from them, and entirely to do with people not being able to accept the fact that they aren’t as good as they think they are. Regardless if people see it, they will believe they are truly better than they are.