Policy on Smurfs

I don’t normally post on the overwatch forums but I just got out of a comp game where a player on a level 84 account was so unnecessarily abusive to our mercy player for not pocketing him on Ashe and because he (and the rest of the team) kept dying to a level 54 Doomfist who just kept bending the team over.

Can the game stop having free weekends and sales? It’s really getting old. Or at least phone verification or something so people who only have one account play with other people who only have 1 account.

Something similar to Prime matchmaking in CS:GO.

I don’t care much about climbing but I do care about having quality games. Might be better to just avoid the game till the season is over.


Yes- “we cannot blame the smurf themselves”… my gosh, let’s blame everyone but the perpetrator of a crime, it must be all societies fault for their behavior and lack of respect for others… smurfs are the real victims here… :roll_eyes:

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Yep, and those are all totally reasonable examples. However, the issue is when people are deliberately abusing these methods to stomp lower tiers, OR they throw with one of the alts to go down and stomp the lower tiers.

Sure, blizzard could do something to address this but these people are still intentionally trying to ruin the game for others.

As for the breakdown of “legit” new purchases or throwaway accounts, we will never know. But if the bulk are honest people, then we as a community are an incredibly forgetful bunch…

Can you expand on this? Are they trying to throw? Because I have seen inexplicably terrible diamonds in near-bronze PS4 comp.

OFC QP can be judged if people cheat, what the hell are you saying ?

For OW being ded, well, I agree w/o problem. Even as a casual I always see the same name in QP each time I play, so…
Ranked is a joke since smurf are allowed, hitbox still not fix, balance is atrocious, ofc it’s a ded game.

I’m just here to have fun sometime, but I’m not even try to play it serious, what the point ?

They get money with it

I’d honestly use this as a training or quit once and for all because when this game go free then you’ll see what hell is like.

i’m being unpopular here, but these smurfs are most of the time just 1 SR level above you, where you want to go, so you need to beat them or your not worth the rank :slight_smile: They have the same situation.

Hey man, I can’t agree more on this topic. It’s not just in ranked but in quickplay and arcade I am sure as well for those players. Essentially all around the gamemodes… It is really annoying because your team will get a really good team comp but then you see all level 20’s just smurfing so hard and you get rekted… Really sucks!

As long as smurf accounts = $$$ (on PC), Activi$ion is going to keep turning a blind-eye and claiming that the issue is “overblown”.

what do you mean $$$ for smurf accounts? poeple buying them or blizzard selling. like diablo 2 copies for bot mining thing.

on PC, in order to create a new account, you need to purchase a new copy of the game.

Smurfs purchase the game multiple times, (so as to not muck with their “main” accounts), and then use those accounts to troll around in the lower-brackets.

I have seen people with names that are vulgar that no real person would have as their name. They would
be very low levels and play like they played the game for at least a year. Usually in groups of 2-3 and have troll names that are themed. Just got to train to spot it.

Smurfs are a tricky issue. I think Blizzard didn’t think of this when they first released the game, unfortunately.

They could add a system that would reunite all the smurfs in the same comp games but this could lead Blizzard to a stinky situation if people start asking for refunds.

I don’t know the CoC by heart but I think there must be something that keeps Blizzard from detecting smurfs accounts or else they would have already done something about it (even though buying alternate accounts is a juicy business).

We often forget that a lot of smurf accounts are people banned on their primary account which might explain why smurfs have a bad reputation.

Playing against smurfs is not that much of a problem gameplay wise because a good team effort can still beat a smurf or two in the other team. The real issue is people throwing games from Master to Bronze and back.

That shouldn’t be allowed and I still don’t get how people that stream those games are not banned yet (of course they wouldn’t record the games they threw, obviously, but still, the throwing occurred at some point).

You know what tho, it’s not just smurfs or throwing or any of that.

I’ve climbed from silver to plat TWICE, and am currently stuck at 1900. It takes me an entire season to make the climb IF I play for hours and hours and hours and days.

So for whatever reason you have a legit plat player in silver. I am not smurfing, I am not throwing. I am desperately trying to climb to where I know I could/should be.

Sorry to the other team when I can pull off 62% eliminations by Soldier. I’m not a smurf. I’m STUCK. The fact that it easily swings the other way and I get wrecked just goes to show how broken the system is.

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wtf is a smurf??
20 characterssssssssssssssss

League of Legends isn’t even this bad when it comes to rank matches. Smurfs will be there, but not often as this game.

Just be glad you’re not on console lol

I get it. There are golds and plats who, if you give them a fresh account, can place in diamond or at least very high plat. It’s also why I don’t play comp anymore, since I’m afraid that if players look at my career profile and see it’s low silver, I might get caught for boosting even if I didn’t. I’ve been on losing streaks, but you want to know what each game I lost had in common? A level 25 legit carrying the team on fire playing a hard hero (widow, zen mcree, etc).

OH yes, I agree completely that there are ALOT of throw-away accounts on this game. I use to play at around 2200 SR now I am at 1600s SR strictly because of the HORRIBLE amount of throw-away accounts that were on MY team deciding NOT to participate in the match and I shared my concerns here, PLENTY of times on the forums. Only to receive a person telling me I am crazy and that no such thing happens.

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