Pocket Ashe and Dynamite are unhealthy

To hell with all the Genji op posts.
To hell with all the brig nerfs complaints.

The real unhealthy thing right now is pocket Ashe and her stupidly op broken Dynamite.

Ashe can one shot 200hp targets with the help of a Mercy.
If you’re playing Genji or Tracer or any dive hero basically and the Ashe is being babysitted by a Mercy, then you’ve got 2 choices:

1-Stay as Genji and feed the Ashe ult charge
2-Switch and try to counter her.

A good pocketed Ashe player is pretty much unstoppable, oh and don’t even get me started on “YoU NEed gOOD AAiM 2 PLaY AsHe”

Listen, most people these days have godlike aiming, even plat players can aim well you know?

Now then, the fun sucker itself: Dynamite.

Dynamite+Damage Boost will kill 200 hp targets if they’re nowhere near healthpacks or their healers.

Dynamite can screw up flankers a lot.

In close range combat, the Ashe can just press E and Left Click immediately afterwards, that’s pretty much a guaranteed kill on a Genji or a Doomfist.

Either nerf Dynamite, or Reduce the Damage boost that Mercy gives, sheesh…


Is this one of those situations where you can’t beat a pocketed ashe and you call it op but fail to realise beating a pocketed ashe would mean your hero is broken since it would be winning a 1vs2?

Ashe being broken has nothing to do with mercy since ashe more than doubles mercys pickrate all on her own.


No, they cant, that’s why they buy most boosts to diamond and above.

That’s a punishmen for avoiding aim duels and trying counter cheesy way. Pick Ashe, force support to switch to mercy and use “broken” by yourself if you think it is broken or something.
If you die to Ashe dynamite - thats your big fault, work at your engagements and flank routes, and keep in mind mercy + Ashe counters dive, so don’t play the way “I need to get closer” no, you need to click heads faster, and tracer or gengu is not the case.
Ashe dynamite was the same from s13 (her release) and now all of a sudden these complains. Cooldown increased by 2s btw.

That’s called using teamwork…

Dynamite just got nerfed but then I never found it to be OP in the first place.


And widow can do it without her help


there is a video where a boosted Ashe from mercy gets nearly 60% of ult from 1 dynamite into enemy team

If you’re nowhere near a healthpack or support and don’t have an ability like bubble, primal, adaptive shields, take a breather, wraith form, cryofreeze, recall, translocator, biotic field, self repair etc… or any support ability if you’re playing one.

Then I think it’s fair you lost the 2v1

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There’s also a video of a rein on eichenwalde getting shatter in 13 seconds. Mostly because the enemy team grouped up for easy damage farm.

Same thing with your statement tbh. Possible only if the enemy team is bad


that was on jumkertown where the enemy hold highground right after the start. Yeah rein is kinda easy chargeable, just get some juicy 4-5 man firestrike and youre already at 40+%. My record was long ago on horizon, shatter in 10~ sec nearly they pushed into highground, i jumped right into them, strike all of them, some hammers, charge turning around poof, enemy team went afk after that

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You can use the argument of teamwork, but its pretty much the cheesiest piece of teamwork in the game is damage boosting. Its not like discord where the support giving the damage boost is vulnerable, and has to call it out to his flanker/team who they have discorded etc, and they work together to both shoot the discorded target down. Mercy damage boost is literally hold rmb, spam super jump/ga and you’re done.

But yeah Ashe is broken even without the damage boost, she is permanently picked in owl and she performs better than any other hitscan on ladder too. Bob shouldn’t contest point, Dynamite should do 120 damage max, and coach gun needs a longer cd. Also reduce her ammo back to 12.

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Ashe is obviously overtuned. The dynamite cd nerf helped a little but they still need to do something about her

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Ashe dynamite CD went 2 secs higher wow. This abillity is still annoying as hell and imo such abillities like dynamite shouldnt be boostable, it is like when you can boost a lucios healoutpuf/speedbost kinda or road breather

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Genji not broken enough, cant solo kill a pocketed dps. Please fix.

I love ashe since shes good at dealing with choke point spamrats and atleast she doesnt and cant spam.

Love how you ignore how damage is only good if the DPS can hit their shots and you can say the samething about discord in which you defend.

If you like it or not…Mercy is in game to pocket Ashe, Pharah, Bastion, Genji…or whoever else… That´s the point of damage boosting, that´s the point of her utility and this is always be a cry - reason for people to whine on forums. Just accept it as any other combo in game I guess…

Well being a gm player I naturally assumed the dps would be hitting shots. The difference between discord and damage boost is the playstyle, where one takes skill, gamesense and coordination, the other is just stand behind a corner while you hold down one button and watch someone else play the game. It is also much easier to shut down a zen discording than a mercy damage boosting.

On a similar note hanzo storm arrow buffs. Why? The character was in a decent spot and then poof, now he can eviscerate tanks even faster.

Mercy was made to be a dps accessory also not to be rude here but so what if ‘one takes skill’… This whole ‘muh skill’ stuff needs to stop this game as whole is so forgiving.

Dynamite/Headshot +

  • Mercy pocket
  • Discord
  • Anti-Nade
  • Baptiste burst
  • Brigitte whip shot
  • Lucio burst
  • Moira damage orb

Will all kill you.


People don’t like Mercy but I like that there is an accessible character in the game even if I don’t want to play her.