Please stop playing ball

Ball is by no means a horrible character and is actually a great pick on most control maps and sometimes 2cp maps but for the love of god please stop playing him on payload maps unless to stall at the end or reach your team fast in the last fight. You can have all the gold medals you want on ball but in reality having a ball makes everyone else’s job so much harder on the team, as a tank you feel like you don’t have anyone to push the frontlines with and get overwhelmed without that extra support that every other tank provides and as a support getting ult charge is so much harder considering ball is supposed to heal with the bigs around the map please just don’t play ball on payload maps

I want to point out I’m not saying ball isn’t a good hero in fact he can sometimes even be OP but he is a horrible teammate in a lot of scenarios and ball can’t provide help to the backline and main tank like all the other tanks do

This coming from a top 500 support and diamond tank and dps

I can see the argument maybe on defense for payload maps but even then Ball works pretty well on a decent amount of them, especially if played by the right people.

If you had said don’t play dive tanks on payload/2cp defense I could see the logic but even then it’s flawed.

I have no problem if both tanks are playing dive on defense but that means it has to be a ball Winston combo which is my point again ball isn’t a bad hero but he is a horrible teammate and makes everyone else’s job so much more difficult, I know ball can absolutely carry but not when the rest of your team is getting rolled for the sole reason that your playing ball and can’t support the healers and main tank like others can

It is rarely, if ever solely because someone is playing ball that a team is getting rolled. If they’re getting rolled then they’d likely still get rolled/lose with them on any other hero, especially if ball is their best pick for the situation.

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What? Ball is fantastic on offensive payload.





Must be different in GM to plat because ball is fine on payload maps. There are really only a few maps or sections of map where ball is not very good. They tend to be the small cramped maps.

  1. Work with your teammate (who refuses to switch :unamused:)
  2. GG Go Next :woman_shrugging:t2:

Just go Winston, Tracer, Genji, Lucio… Enable your hamm players. Otherwise you only make the situation more complex.

It definitely doesn’t work all the time. But it’ll work “00.00” if you don’t try it and choose to cry about it… :woman_shrugging:t2: I hate OTP as much as you. But you have to try :confused:


Didn’t realize he was GM :sweat_smile:

I know a 14 yro kid who just reached GM on hamm only. Top 10 NA. :woman_shrugging:t2:

He’s pretty good…


Ball fun hero.

Here’s an idea:

Why don’t you stop telling other people what they can and cannot play and instead just work with them the best you can?


Ball is amazing on most payload maps… he can stall forever f needdd and without feeding stupid amounts of ult like Hog does.

Ball is only bad when people dont use the silly amount of space and enemy team chaos he creates.


This is just wrong,
Ball is a main tank
Watch owl, we play on slightly different patches but still the same game

Ball gets run with
Hog is kind of bad right now but he works in ranked
If you put together the full ball chaos comp it works wonders
Ball sigma sombra pharah mercy ana

Just today, I was playing support on kings row defense first point in a mid diamond open queue game, and the enemy Hog pushed through the hotel to punish me and the other support at around half health, he got nanoed, commited to kill both of us, and… their Ball booped us to safety

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ball is good on every single map, ppl are just bots

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Ball tip on payload attack: go far behind the enemy on high ground, wait for them to forget about you if they saw you (usually takes 1-3 seconds in Gold LOL), swing forward into them, knock their bunker off high ground and piledrive them once they are near the floor. Congrats they are all on the low ground in front of your team with no Orisa shield, likely half of their cooldowns unavailable and missing up to 150 health. Works great on Gibraltar and Dorado A.

Because people sometimes need to be told to stop feeding thanksgiving ult charge to the enemy :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused: