Please stop avoiding me as teammate when we win

I keep getting “avoided by a lot of people” warnings this season. This is the first season I’ve ever received them and it’s because of the flexqueue. People don’t understand tanking. If you pick dva they think you’re throwing even when you win. I’ve had to leave team chat till the community gets a better attitude about dva, echo nerfs should help. I didn’t post about this because early on in the season I had a huge losing streak so I figured I can’t object to being avoided. But this week I’ve been running 70%+ winrates every day. After dropping from my career high of 3300 to 2300 this season, i’ve climbed back to 2650 in the last days. THESE ARE GOOD NUMBERS for the last few days, there is no reason people should be avoiding me today so why am I getting a message about it now :frowning:

Please keep in mind that some tanks are not flexing they are playing what they know and they will take care of you if you take it easy on them instead of tilting.


I think people are less likely to avoid you if you’re in chat and decent to your team. That doesn’t mean switching on demand, but just being communicative and respectful.


If they see you constantly out of mech, you can expect it. I am not saying you are, but I just cringe every time I get either Ball, Hog, or as one of my tanks… especially if I am tanking. A bunch of DPS players are just picking these which are the favored n00b picks and therefore you are guilty by association.

Ironically, I also enjoy Sombra, was in a match yesterday, and I recall having gold elims and silver damage, but I got the blame for the loss despite the fact our tanks literally were never near each other and the other teams tanks were coordinating. But it must be Sombra ('s fault right?


There is 90% chance you are throwing.


Don’t worry I’ll matrix ya
The thing is I feel like OP has the same situation as me, I pick dva because I do much better as dva than I’ll ever to as insert meta tank pick


I don’t think you are being avoided for playing specific heroes.
If a lot of people are avoiding you, it means you are not contributing to the team or you are being toxic in chat.


Yeah but the thing is that if you’re just managing out there and end up winning around 70% of the games, players will 100% avoid you if the rest of those 30% losses are heavily caused by someone one-tricking a hero and not being a good teammate. Besides in the midranks on a good day you can do almost nothing and win some games while sometimes you lose games when you give out your best. The fact that you’ve been actively avoided despite your team’s winning makes you extremely sus

Also please players you should ruthlessly avoid players you don’t feel like playing with. There doesn’t need to be any valid reasons for the avoids.

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No. Avoiding people for winning on an off hero is toxic.


Did I miss something? Since when was D.Va considered a bad pick?

It’s not. You yourself can’t define that. Avoiding is fine for whatever reason the player has. If that reason is that they feel uncomfortable playing with another play, they’re perfectly fine doing so. If you want to judge them for a simple concept like that, you’re the toxic person yourself.


That’s a thing? There’s a built in notification for that?? You learn something new every day.

And for the person a couple of posts up asking since when D.Va was considered bad, well, for a LONG time now. LONG time. Really good ones at higher levels can get away with it, but at most ranks for us plebs she’s basically an ult battery that sucks up her entire team’s healing resources.


Wait a minute… It actually tells you that you’ve been getting avoided??


I don’t have this problem (QPC 'till Underverse come) but I do have trouble playing most tanks intuitively besides D.Va. My flex options are mostly limited to Zarya and Reinhardt because, like… you walk forward, hold M1, and sometimes you press a key.

The state of D.Va means I often have to resort to that, though. But damn me if anyone’s gonna accuse me of not pressing W!


I feel for D.Va players. I’m a support main and I have to BEG people to stop playing her, and it’s not that they’re playing poorly, it’s that I have to spend so much of my time healing her that the rest of my team crumbles. It’s a nightmare.


Aww man I never see this warning. I must be not “that” toxic. Tbh I didn’t even know this was a thing.

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I’ve never gotten the avoid warning either, but I’ve heard people talk about it. I know it’s supposed to make you reflect on your behavior, but it really sounds like it just makes you feel bad like you’re the problem child and you don’t know if it’s your behavior that’s bad or other people’s. That being said, I don’t specifically avoid D.Va mains, but it hurts me inside when I see D.Va picked because it probably means a big feed and my tank game just got multiple times harder.

Does avoiding people negatively affect anything?

Fun fact: If you actually play well you significantly lower your chances of being avoided

just some food for thought


Yep. I saw some streamers getting the message (i.a. XQC and Dafran, two years ago or so, I think…) :sweat_smile:

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i never knew you get warnings for being avoided thats wierd since the avoid feature is just that. avoiding anyone you want for no reason at all. if its because your just playing than thats dumb.

blizzard’s report system and automation really is terrible. i dont think any other game can compare to it lol…

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